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REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Jonathan Kim Jin Kwon Jason Park.

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Presentation on theme: "REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Jonathan Kim Jin Kwon Jason Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Jonathan Kim Jin Kwon Jason Park

2 What is REM??? REM is a normal stages of sleep by rapid movements of eyes Sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20~25% of the whole sleeping time, about 90~120 minutes People go into 4~5 periods of REM sleep Most people tend to wake up, or go into a light sleep Most babies go into REM 80% of the whole sleep If people can recall their dreams vividly, then they have gone through REM.

3 What is REM??? Cont. In dreaming, our eyes move the same amount as we do when we are awake. When we are not dreaming, our eyes stay still… Muscles are paralyzed in this stages. REM occur every 90 minutes The brain has increased blood flow and uses more oxygen during REM sleep. characterized by faster breathing and heart rate than other stages of sleep.

4 Why do we have REM? REM serves to rest the whole body, including the brain Saves memory (Good and Bad) and gets rid of excessive memory The smarter you are, the more REM you have. Depressed people go to REM faster and stay in the stages longer

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