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Post-Revolution Culture in Iran Group Awesome: Chandler, Alex, Branson, and Sara Beth.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-Revolution Culture in Iran Group Awesome: Chandler, Alex, Branson, and Sara Beth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-Revolution Culture in Iran Group Awesome: Chandler, Alex, Branson, and Sara Beth

2 Music  Mehdi Jazini – Baroon  Michelle Costa – Since I Fell For You  Hanna Jahanforooz – Let Me Fly  /watch?v=--q3lzHRMCo /watch?v=--q3lzHRMCo /watch?v=--q3lzHRMCo

3 Movies  About Elly (2009)  The Runner (1990)  So Close, So Far (2005)  The Pear Tree (1998)  A Cube of Sugar (2011)  atch?v=ZjlITVB7Vnk&playn ext=1&list=PLB41378ED684 81BF7&feature=results_vid eo atch?v=ZjlITVB7Vnk&playn ext=1&list=PLB41378ED684 81BF7&feature=results_vid eo atch?v=ZjlITVB7Vnk&playn ext=1&list=PLB41378ED684 81BF7&feature=results_vid eo

4 Fashion  Addition after the Revolution: Fashion Show  Western Dolls: Heels, Heasdscarves, and Dyed Hair  Heavy Handed: Bright Colors, Modern and Western  New Models: Revised version of chadors

5 Art   Seyed alavi   Samira alikhanzadeh   Alina Mnatsakanian By Samira alikhanzadeh By Alina Mnatsakanian

6 Art Cont. - Sculptures  Abstract: Interpretation is left to the viewer  Modern Life: (picture to the left) “ Two Hands” by Parviz Tanavoli  4 Phases:  1: the Silent Era  2: Reborn  3: Contemporary  4: The New Art

7 Holidays ThursdayJan 3ArbaeenNational holiday FridayJan 11 Demise of Prophet Muhammad and Martyrdom of Imam Hassan National holiday SaturdayJan 12 Martyrdom of Imam Reza National holiday TuesdayJan 29 Birthday of Muhammad and Imam Sadeq National holiday SundayFeb 10Revolution DayNational holiday TuesdayMar 19 Oil Nationalization Day National holiday WednesdayMar 20March equinoxSeason WednesdayMar 20NoroozNational holiday ThursdayMar 21NoroozNational holiday FridayMar 22NoroozNational holiday SaturdayMar 23NoroozNational holiday SundayMar 24NoroozNational holiday SundayApr 14Martyrdom of FatimaNational holiday

8 Holidays Cont. ThursdayMay 23 Birthday of Imam Ali National holiday ThursdayJun 6 Prophet's Ascension National holiday FridayJun 21June SolsticeSeason MondayJun 24 Imam Mahdi's birthday National holiday MondayJul 29 Martyrdom of Imam Ali National holiday ThursdayAug 8 Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) National holiday SundaySep 1 Martyrdom of Imam Sadeq National holiday SundaySep 22 September equinox Season TuesdayOct 15 Eid-al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) National holiday WednesdayOct 23Eid-al-GhadirNational holiday WednesdayNov 13TassouaNational holiday ThursdayNov 14AshuraNational holiday SaturdayDec 21December SolsticeSeason TuesdayDec 24ArbaeenNational holiday

9 Culture  Only 7 TV Channels and 14 Radio Channels that are controlled by the Iranian Government  700,000 Persian Blogs  50% Iranians have at least one cell phone with texting  70% of the population is under 30 years old

10 MLA Citations  N.d. Iranian. Iranian LLC., 1995. Web. 09 Nov. 2012..   IMDb. "Iranian Cinema." IMDb., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012..   "Holidays in Iran in 2013." Holidays and Observances in Iran in 2013. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012..   "Traditional & Modern Interpretations of Islamic Women's Dress." Iran - Fashion. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012..

11 MLA Citations Cont.   "Culture in Post-revolutionary Iran." Payvand. Net Native, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012..

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