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Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20 LESSON # 14 ENERVATED!!! Lacking Energy Lacking Movement No GET-UP-AND-GO!

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Presentation on theme: "Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20 LESSON # 14 ENERVATED!!! Lacking Energy Lacking Movement No GET-UP-AND-GO!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Hot SAT Words Lessons 11-20

3 LESSON # 14 ENERVATED!!! Lacking Energy Lacking Movement No GET-UP-AND-GO!

4 INDOLENT Adj. lazy; not wanting to do any work

5 INDOLENT “The Lazy Boy” is a perfect title for a story about an INDOLENT youth.

6 LANGUOR N. A weak or lifeless feeling

7 LANGUOR The story is about a slow journey down a river flowing LANGOROUSLY to the sea.

8 LASSITUDE N. Tired feeling, usually resulting from depression or too much work

9 LASSITUDE N. Tired feeling, usually resulting from depression or too much work

10 LASSITUDE Overcome by LASSITUDE, I sat on the porch all day and watched the grass grow.

11 LETHARGIC Adj. having little or no energy

12 LETHARGIC It takes many students a couple of hours to shake off their Monday morning LETHARGY.

13 SEDENTARY Adj. Having to do with sitting around a lot

14 SEDENTARY A SEDENTARY lifestyle and overactive appetite cause many Mississippians to suffer obesity.

15 Costs of a SEDENTARY lifestyle…

16 SLUGGISH Adj. Slow; lazy

17 SLUGGISH The drain in the bathtub is SLUGGISH. It takes 10 minutes for the water to empty.


19 SOPORIFIC Adj. Sleep-inducing; sleepy

20 SOPORIFIC Driving on flat stretches on interstate highway is SOPORIFIC. I have a hard time staying awake.

21 STAGNANT Adj. Lacking movement or energy

22 STAGNANT A STAGNANT career is one which is going nowhere fast!

23 Adj. Lacking energy; relating to inactivity; feeling sluggish

24 TORPID Heath felt too TORPID to do anything but sit on the beach and count the waves.



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