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DEMO Show us your working differential drive robot

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1 DEMO Show us your working differential drive robot
Start it running a fixed pattern that includes Forward Backward Left Right Straight Curved Lab 3: Light sensors, light following, reactive control, feedback-based control, algorithmic control, more multi-tasking Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

2 Lab 3 Light Sensing, Serial Comms, and Algorithmic Control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

3 Today Light sensors Serial communications
Open-loop vs. closed-loop control Maintaining sensor states Dealing with errors Algorithmic control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

4 Sensors Get information about world Information changes over time
Sensors may provide of measurement of the existence of certain features in the world Examples: light, sound, pressure Sensors convert features into measurable quantities like resistance, current, etc. Two basic types: analog, digital Analog: continuously varying value Digital: on or off Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

5 Light Sensors Analog sensor -- Change resistance in response to light stimuli Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

6 Handy Board’s Analog Inputs
0 to 5 volts are converted into 8–bit numbers 0 to 255 (decimal) (A/D conversion) Photocell provides a variable resistance, which is balanced against the fixed 47KW pull-up resistor Two resistors form voltage divider circuit Vsens voltage at the center tap of the two resistors is proportional to the ratio of the two resistances. Rphoto = 47KW, Vsens = 2.5 v (exactly) Rphoto << 47KW, Vsens ~= gnd Rphoto >> 47KW, Vsens ~= +5 v When the photocell resistance is small (brightly illuminated), the Vsens ~= 0v When the photocell resistance is large (dark), Vsens ~= +5 v (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

7 Shielding Photocell Read photocell values:
while (1) { printf("%d\n", analog(0)); msleep(100L); } Mounting photocell through Lego beam makes it easier to attach to robot Build optical shield to limit the amount of ambient light that is able to fall on the sensor Photocell Sensors with Light Shields Photocell Sensors Mounted on LEGO Technic Beam (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

8 Use of Light Sensors Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

9 Today Light sensors Serial communications
Open-loop vs. closed-loop control Maintaining sensor states Dealing with errors Algorithmic control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

10 Serial Communication Modes
Collect sensor data on Handy Board Upload to PC host, either Batch mode: program stores data on Handy Board and later writes to host using serial line Real-time data collection: program on Handy Board writes data directly to serial line during data collection activities On-line interaction: programs active on both Handy Board and Host communicate with each other over serial line (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

11 Serial Line Interaction
IC takes over the serial line with low-level protocol Need to disable this interaction to use serial line for anything else Then, write to the serial line using built-in 6811 serial port registers Serial Communications Data Register (SCDR) is located at address 0x102f If data is stored to this register, the 6811 transmits it as serial output; when a serial character is received, it is retrieved by reading from the same register Serial Communications Status Register (SCSR) is located at address 0x102e Bits in this register indicate when the serial port is busy (e.g., whether it is in the middle of receiving or transmitting a character) IC library file: serialio.c Wrapper functions for interacting with serial port (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

12 Connecting to a Terminal Program
We’ll use terminal emulator on host side for grabbing serial data from the Handy Board -- Download from software directory Load serialio.c disable_pcode serial(): so that HB does not interpret any accidental characters that might be sent from the host computer Process: download program to HB using IC; shutdown IC; start terminal emulator; turn off/on HB to start program that communicates with terminal To restart HB in normal mode: hold down Start button while turning it on /* serxmit.c */ void main() { int i; disable_pcode_serial(); while (1) { printf("Press Start button to begin\n"); start_press(); printf("Transmitting...\n"); for (i= 32; i< 128; i++) serial_putchar(i); } (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

13 Sending Integers to Terminal Emulator
IC library file printdec.c (in software directory) provides printdec(), which takes an integer as input and prints its value as a decimal number over the serial line Example: sensor data is continuously displayed on the host computer screen /* analogpr.c requires printdec.c, serialio.c */ void main() { disable_pcode_serial(); while (1) { printdec(analog(0)); serial_putchar(10); /* line feed */ serial_putchar(13); /* carriage return */ /* wait 0.1 sec between each print */ msleep(100L); } (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

14 Batch Data Capture Faster capture rate – not limited by slow serial comms /* datacoll.c requires printdec.c, serialio.c */ int SAMPLES=1000; char data[1000]; void main() { disable_pcode_serial(); printf("press Start to collect data\n"); start_press(); collect_data(); beep(); printf("press Start to dump data\n"); dump_data(); printf("done.\n"); } (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

15 Collect Data into Array and Dump to Serial Line
void collect_data() { int i; for (i= 0; i< SAMPLES; i++) { data[i]= analog(0); /* to slow down capture rate, add msleep here */ } void dump_data() printdec(data[i]); serial_putchar(10); /* line feed */ serial_putchar(13); /* carriage return */ (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

16 Today Light sensors Serial communications
Open-loop vs. closed-loop control Maintaining sensor states Dealing with errors Algorithmic control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

17 Control Paradigms Open-loop control Closed-loop control
execute actions without feedback – imprecise actuation (friction, gear slippage, battery discharge) and dynamic environments cause problems Closed-loop control use sensor feedback to monitor and modify actions Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

18 Open-loop Control Goal: Drive parallel to wall No feedback
Start exactly parallel to wall and try to drive straight Noisy movement = crash into wall, or stray from wall Robot Building Lab: Lab 3 (Courtesy of Bennet)

19 Open Loop Turning (90 degrees)
Timed turn: Robot_backward(); sleep(.5); robot_turn(); sleep(1.5); Requires very predictable movement to work right Battery strength Traction Gear slippage Feed-forward – determine some parameters of open-loop control in advance (eg turn time based on battery strength) Best use of open loop control: when time is critical Robot Building Lab: Lab 3 (Courtesy of Bennet)

20 Closed-loop Control Drive parallel to wall
Feedback from proximity sensors (e.g. bump, IR, sonar) Feedback loop, continuous monitoring and correction of motors -- adjusting distance to wall to maintain goal distance Robot Building Lab: Lab 3 (Courtesy of Bennet)

21 Today Light sensors Serial communications
Open-loop vs. closed-loop control Maintaining sensor states Dealing with errors Algorithmic control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

22 Review: Simple Processing Using Single Threshold
Robot ground sensor can be in one of two states: State A: Over line State B: Over floor Compare sensor reading with setpoint value If less than this threshold set variable to indicate robot is in State A Otherwise, set variable to indicate State B What to use as setpoint threshold? midpoint between floor value and line value E.g. 10 when aimed at the floor, and 50 when aimed at the line  choose 30 as setpoint threshold (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

23 Review: Two Thresholds for Hysteresis
Line Following performance run : Setpoint =20 Problem with single threshold – variances in sensor readings Bump on floor may spike the readings Shiny spots on line may reflect as well as the floor, dropping the sensor readings up into the range of the floor Solution: two setpoints can be used Imposes hysteresis on the interpretation of sensor values, i.e., prior state of system (on/off line) affects system’s movement into a new state int LINE_SETPOINT= 35; int FLOOR_SETPOINT= 10; void waituntil_on_the_line() { while (line_sensor() < LINE_SETPOINT); } void waituntil_off_the_line() { while (line_sensor() > FLOOR_SETPOINT); (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

24 Light Sensor States Using two sensors to keep track of one of four states: Light-on-Left Light-on-Right Light-in-Center No light Options: Use hysteresis on each sensor individually and combine values into single state Combine sensor readings first and then apply hysteresis on resulting value Observe values using serial comms Try to maintain “light-in-center” state – make closed-loop motor changes when in other states Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

25 Simple Feedback Control – Wall Following
HandyBug with bend sensor or reflective IR sensor HandyBug turns towards wall if distance sensor indicates too far away; turns away from wall if too close Single threshold for “too far” and “too close” = goal variable (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

26 Simple Feedback Control – Wall Following
void main() { calibrate(); ix= 0; while (1) { int wall= analog(LEFT_WALL); printf("goal is %d; wall is %d\n", goal, wall); if (wall < goal) left(); /* too far from wall -- turn in */ else right(); /* turn away from wall */ data[ix++]= wall; /* take data sample */ msleep(100L); /* 10 iterations per second */ } (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

27 Hard Turns Control Results with bend sensor:
void left() { motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, 100); motor(LEFT_MOTOR, 0); } void right() { motor(LEFT_MOTOR, 100); motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, 0); Hard turns Results with bend sensor: HandyBug oscillates around setpoint goal value Never goes straight (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

28 Soft Turns Control (copyright Prentice Hall 2001)
void left() { motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, 100); motor(LEFT_MOTOR, 50); } void right() { motor(LEFT_MOTOR, 100); motor(RIGHT_MOTOR, 50); Gentle Turning Algorithm: Swings less abrupt HandyBug completes run in 16 sec (vs. 19 sec in hard turn version) for same length course In light following we want to include a go-straight function and a random- movement-to-find-light function as well (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

29 Separate Sensor State Processing from Control
Functions might each make use of other sensors and functions – need to decide how to implement each Robot Building Lab: Lab 3 (Courtesy of Bennet)

30 Control Paradigms Open-loop control Closed-loop control
execute actions without feedback – imprecise actuation (friction, gear slippage, battery discharge) and dynamic environments cause problems Closed-loop control use sensor feedback to monitor and modify actions Previous example: main loop determined control action based on feedback and executed control action for fixed time determined by sleep duration Overall control was closed-loop due to feedback – closeness to wall With open-loop actions due to sleep during left or right turns Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

31 Does Wall-Following Program Do The Right Thing?
Depends how frequently the states can be updated And how much movement adjustment is made when states change And speed of robot And potential sensor errors And the calibration of the thresholds Warning: if program relies too much on parameter tuning it won’t be very useful Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

32 Today Light sensors Serial communications
Open-loop vs. closed-loop control Maintaining sensor states Dealing with errors Algorithmic control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

33 Improving Wall Following Program
Using additional sensors to test for Error conditions in addition to normal states Use timeouts to test for failure Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

34 Testing for Error Conditions
Use touch sensor to test if robot is stuck Robot Building Lab: Lab 3 (Courtesy of Bennet)

35 Use Timeout to Test For Failures
Test for maximum time to perform task Robot Building Lab: Lab 3 (Courtesy of Bennet)

36 Today Light sensors Serial communications
Open-loop vs. closed-loop control Maintaining sensor states Dealing with errors Algorithmic control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

37 States, Modes, and Algorithmic Control
In this case we are talking about “control” at the level of higher-level behaviors like wall-following or light-following Use combinations of sensor values to figure out the “state” of the robot Or detect important events Or error states Each state or sequence of states triggers a “mode” of operation for the robot Short term responses to events (e.g. collision) Long-term change of behavior/goal (e.g. light following/avoiding) In Algorithmic Control, modes switches are explicitly determined by programmer All possible “states” and events must be considered Current mode determines robot output/motor commands Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

38 Four Basic Approaches to Robot Control
Deliberative Control: Think hard, then act. Reactive Control: Don’t think, (re)act. Hybrid Control: Think and act independently, in parallel. Behavior-Based Control: Think the way you act. (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

39 Distinguishing Characteristics
Deliberative systems look into the future (plan) before deciding how to act. Reactive systems respond to the immediate requirements of the environment, and do not look into the past or the future. Hybrid systems respond to some of the urgent requirements, while taking time to think about some others. This requires waiting for the thinking to finish, or interrupting the reaction based on new information. Behavior-based systems also think and act at the same time, but spread out the thinking over multiple distributed computation modules (behaviors). Thus they think the way they act, as quickly as possible. (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

40 Trade-offs Thinking is slow Reaction must be fast
Thinking allows looking ahead (planning) to avoid bad actions Thinking too long can be dangerous (e.g., falling off a cliff, being run over) To think, the robot needs (a lot of) accurate information The world keeps changing as the robot is thinking, so the slower it thinks, the more inaccurate its solutions Task and environment considerations: move and react very quickly -- usually no time for thinking, such as in automated fast-moving cars, or in soccer playing robots does not change much -- plan far ahead to find the best action, such as in playing chess, monitoring a warehouse at night, or assembling a complicated object (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

41 Algorithmic Control Pre-program all mode changes to achieve a desired task Program can include deliberative and reactive components But programmer explicitly manages interactions as a series of linear program statements Open-loop timed actions can be used Closed-loop actions with sensing can also be used but, it doesn’t change order of control flow Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

42 Example Algorithmic Control Program: Groucho
Ball-harvesting Algorithm: Drive to position 1 Stop when wall struck Rotate Climb ramp Dump balls Drive along divider until wall struck Dump more balls Drive down ramp until wall struck Rotate, repeat (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

43 Groucho’s Algorithmic Control Program
void groucho() { while (1) { /* loop indefinitely */ /* for simplicity, assume robot starts at position 1 */ forward(); waituntil_hit_wall(); rotate_left_ninety(); /* now at position 2 */ waituntil_see_black(); /* position 3 */ rotate_left_ninety(); /* position 4 */ waituntil_hit_wall(); /* position 5 */ rotate_left_ninety(); /* position 6 */ rotate_onehundred_eighty(); /* position 7 */ waituntil_hit_wall(); /* position 8 */ rotate_left_ninety(); /* position 9 */ } (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

44 Use of Feedback within Algorithmic Control Program
Turn from position 1 to position 2 made little movements and bump sensing to get around corner Turn from position 3 to position 4 used open-loop timing Moving along center platform used ground sensing to keep one side of robot on dark floor and one side on light floor – compensating for noise in gear train Touch sensors to trigger reaching wall and switching modes (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

45 Strengths and Weaknesses of Algorithmic Control
Strengths: simplicity, directness, and predictability when things go according to plan Weaknesses: inability to detect or correct for problems or unexpected circumstances, and the chained-dependencies required for proper functioning If any one step fails, the whole solution typically fails. Each link-step of an algorithmic solution has a chance of failing, and this chance multiplies throughout the set of steps, e.g., suppose each step has a 90% chance of functioning properly on any given trial, and there are six such steps in the solution. Then the likelihood of overall program working is the likelihood that each steps functions properly: ~53% chance Closed-loop feedback in certain modes helped alleviate problems within modes By embedding feedback controls within the algorithmic framework, the reliability of the algorithmic approach is greatly improved. (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

46 Dealing with Problem Situations
What happens if touch sensor to trigger next phase never occurs? Groucho would just sit there What happens if opponent triggers touch sensor before wall is reached? Groucho would think that wall was reached Think about: techniques for error detection and recovery within an algorithmic framework. One simple method from earlier: timeout or premature exit With return code to allow master routine to do something different in those cases (copyright Prentice Hall 2001) Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

47 Lab 3 Light Sensing, Serial Comms, and Algorithmic Control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

48 Lab 3: Light Sensing, Serial Comms, and Algorithmic Control
In-class lab overview: Attach a light sensor to robot Design a shield to admit light in a 90 degree cone – demo shield showing light values Download serial communications libraries to IC libs Download terminal program to X:\ and install Mount two light sensors on front of robot so that their fields of view overlap slightly Write program to read data from both sensors, put in array, and dump array to serial port Run program with terminal program listening on serial port and grab data for graphing using Excel – mail graphs from 3 experiments to TA after class Write program to use light sensors to determine one of 4 states: light-to-left, light-in-center, light-to-right, no light; use data from prior experiment to determine best way to do this – demo program to instructor Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

49 Lab 3 Programs Global variables for: ground calibration light-state
ground-state Function to calibrate ground sensor using buttons (done) Function to determine light-state (in-class) Function to determine ground state (done) Function to move toward light (at home) Function to move away from obstacle (at home) void main(void) { calibrate ground sensor start process to keep track of ground state start process to keep track of light state sequence of commands to move between light following and obstacle avoiding based on two state variables (at home) } Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

50 Next Week Take-home part of Lab
Implement in-class light-state program as a task Add task for sensing ground state Write program that runs light-state and ground-state sensing in parallel and uses results in an algorithmic-control program that heads towards light but avoids any taped obstacles it encounters along the way Think about better ways to write this program but don’t worry about reactivity or parallelism in the control part of the program Read on-line documents and answer questions specified at Help Session Monday Lab 4: Bump sensors, IR sensors, behavior-based control Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

51 References
Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

52 Teams Team 1: Ed Burger, Christopher J Flynn, Andrea J. Glenbockie
Team 2: Matthew A Curran, Michael R. DeLaurentis, Andrew R. Mroczkowski Team 3: Max D Peysakhov,Timothy S. Souder, Kang Chen, Chris Cera Team 4: Daryl L Falco, Omar Hasan, Eric D. Pancoast Team 5: Donovan Artz, Umesh Kumar, Gregory P Ingelmo Team 6: Lisa P. Anthony, Brian J. Summers, Edward Whatley Robot Building Lab: Lab 3

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