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DIVERSITY By: Gretchen Busch and Toni Wilson ED 417-02.

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2 DIVERSITY By: Gretchen Busch and Toni Wilson ED 417-02

3 PRESENTATION UNIT - Diversity GRADE - 2nd LESSON - Similarities and Differences

4 OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. state a definition for the word “difference.” 2. state a definition for the word “similarity.” 3. define culture. 4. identify people from different cultures. 5. explain why differences among people are important.

5 MATERIALS  PowerPoint Presentation  Paper Plates  Multicultural crayons  Multicultural markers  “Jason’s Wish” by D. Byrne  Computer  Paper/Pencil

6 INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY Each student will receive a paper plate with a space cut out for their eyes, nose, and mouth. Each student will put the paper plate over their face and attempt to identify one another while walking in the dark. As a class, discuss why this was difficult to do. Give students time to design their plate with their own facial features using the multicultural crayons and markers.

7 LEARNING ABOUT DIVERSITY “Jason’s Wish” By: D. Byrne

8 What is a DIFFERENCE? 1.the quality of being different from or unlike something or somebody else 2.a feature that distinguishes one person or thing from another.

9 HOW ARE WE DIFFERENT? We are male and female. We have different colored skin.

10 What is a SIMILARITY? 1.a quality or feature that two or more things or people have in common 2.2. sharing some qualities but not exactly identical

11 HOW ARE WE SIMILAR? We are all people. We all have feelings.

12 THE MELTING POT Salad Bowl/Stir Fry America is called a “MELTING POT” because of all the different types of people that live here. Over the next five days, we will be learning about different cultures in our country and around the world.


14 WE SEE…  an African-American

15 WE SEE…  an Asian-American

16 WE SEE…  a child with a disability

17 WE SEE…  a Muslim child

18 WE SEE…  a Caucasian child

19 WE SEE…  an Arab-American

20 ASSIGNMENT Draw a Venn Diagram with a partner showing your likes and differences. Label one section of the diagram with your name and the other section with your partners name. Turn in your completed Venn Diagram.


22  This site tests your knowledge of traditional dress in different parts of the world.  Let’s find out what you know!  Click on this website and go to the section titled “Traditional Costumes.”  Play both games and email your answers to me.

23 /id17.html This site lets us take a look at Christmas Around the World!  Click on this site and follow the directions.  Hand in your assignment when you are finished.

24 mony/party/teachers.htm Use this site to create a party from a different culture!  Click on this site and follow the directions.  When you have finished, hand in the whole assignment together.

25 quest Use this site to study different cultures around the world!  Click on this site and research the country that you want to learn more about.


27 This website is an excellent resource for helping teachers plan multicultural activities in the classroom.


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