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What do you see when you look at me? Islamic dress Lesson Objectives: To know that there is no one ‘way’ that Muslims dress and that differences may be.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you see when you look at me? Islamic dress Lesson Objectives: To know that there is no one ‘way’ that Muslims dress and that differences may be."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you see when you look at me? Islamic dress Lesson Objectives: To know that there is no one ‘way’ that Muslims dress and that differences may be due to cultural or personal reasons. To understand why Muslims women may choose to cover their hair or face, or not. To evaluate whether it matters how we dress.

2 When you see each image, what impression do you get from each person? How much did your judgement match the reality? Is it fair to make judgements about people on the basis of what they wear? When is it and when is it not?

3 Model Graduated from Cambridge with a top first Environmental campaigner

4 Footballer IQ of more than 150 Is a published author of children’s books Involved in many charities which promote literacy

5 1) There is no set ‘way’ that Muslims dress. There are many variations in dress, depending on climate, local culture and personal belief. Some Muslim women may choose not to wear a head covering

6 2) Contrary to popular belief, many Muslim women choose to wear a head covering of some description

7 3) It is not only Muslim women who are expected to dress modestly, but men too.


9 Based upon what we have considered today, write an extended answer to the above question In your answer, try to look at both sides of the argument Try to also include what some Muslims may say in response to the question At the end, give your own view with reasons to support your opinion

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