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LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Policies designed to promote housing integration Anti-snob zoning laws: The Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act Public.

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Presentation on theme: "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Policies designed to promote housing integration Anti-snob zoning laws: The Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act Public."— Presentation transcript:


2 Policies designed to promote housing integration Anti-snob zoning laws: The Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act Public Act 93-0595The Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act Public Act 93-0595 Fair Housing Laws (outlaw real estate agent “steering,” landlord discrimination) Urban Growth Boundaries, SmartGrowth and New Urbanism Housing Vouchers Hope VI

3 Readings on Urban Growth Boundaries, SmartGrowth and New Urbanism video (enter logon and password) Jonathan Cohn "Losing Hope" The New Republic"Losing Hope" The New Republic New Urbanism Protecting Your Property From Stupid "Smart Growth" Socialistsby Edwin Feulner (May 8, 2005)Protecting Your Property From Stupid "Smart Growth" Socialistsby Edwin Feulner (May 8, 2005) Organized Theft: Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and Kelo by Tom DeWeese (July 3, 2005)Organized Theft: Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and Kelo by Tom DeWeese (July 3, 2005) Easy Money In California by Thomas Sowell (April 18, 2005) San Mateo County and The Environmental Protection Racket by Thomas Sowell (May 30, 2005)San Mateo County and The Environmental Protection Racket by Thomas Sowell (May 30, 2005)

4 Location of Public Housing Public Housing projects: –At the discretion of local housing authorities. Most suburbs had no housing authorities Those that did preferred housing for elderly and disabled. –(in Chicago) at the discretion of local aldermen White aldermen refused 1950s: CHA policies explicitly promoted segregated projects. Gautreaux decision overturns policyGautreaux –1.2 million units (declining) –Federal government cost: $5.2 Billion

5 Public Housing problems In 1940s and 50s – for low income workers, often two parent families 1960s: targeted poorer, single parent families More high-rises Tenant rights protected: fewer restrictions on tenants Poor management and maintenance High crime, concentrated poverty

6 Privately owned public housing Nixon administration. Section 8 (tenants pay 30% of income). Owners have incentives to maintain property. Private owners have greater location choices. –1.3 million units –Federal cost: $5.3 Billion

7 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Tax Credits that developers of low income housing can sell on the private market. Involves much less bureaucracy. Private ownership, no federal rent subsidy. Less segregation: developments only partially low income (20% less than50% of median income; 40% less than 60%) –Federal Government cost $6 Billion –Funded 1.2 million units since 1986.

8 Housing Vouchers Reagan administration (Kemp, HUD) Gautreaux, (Chicago);Gautreaux Moving to Opportunity experiment –2.1 million authorized vouchers –Federal cost: $14.8 Billion

9 Adavantages of Vouchers Private ownership, better management Less costly than public projects Permits desegregation Some evidence suggests improvements in…

10 Results of Moving to Opportunity Experiment (Vouchers) Improvements in –personal safety –housing quality –mental health and obesity among adults –mental health, staying in school, delinquency, and risky behavior among teenage girls. Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration : Interim Impacts Evaluation (September 2003, 341 p.)Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration : Interim Impacts Evaluation

11 Disadvantages Conservative: –Still a welfare subsidy –Disrupts suburban communities –No time limits Liberal (sort of) –Disrupts original community William Simpson, A blueprint for `black flight'?A blueprint for `black flight' Problems (other liberals): –Landlord discrimination (prohibited in some states and cities, including Chicago). –Not enough vouchers, amount set too low –Doesn’t create new housing

12 Hope VI Tear down decaying projects. Offer some vouchers. Replace projects with mixed income housing. Clinton created the program, Bush opposes it. Jonathan Cohn " Losing Hope" The New Republic" Losing Hope" The New Republic Susan Popkin, et. al., A Decade of HOPE VIA Decade of HOPE VI

13 Readings William C. Apgar, Jr., Which Housing Policy is Best? Housing Policy Debate 9(2)William C. Apgar, Jr., Which Housing Policy is Best? Housing Policy Debate 9(2) John C. Weicher, CommentComment Raymond J. Struyk, CommentComment Moving to Opportunity experiment Strengths and Weaknesses of the Housing Voucher ProgramStrengths and Weaknesses of the Housing Voucher Program Lan Deng, “Comparing the Effects of Housing Vouchers and LIHTC..”Comparing the Effects of Housing Vouchers and LIHTC

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