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Natural Environment of Europe Small, yet diverse.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Environment of Europe Small, yet diverse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Environment of Europe Small, yet diverse

2 Landforms Northwest highlands Northern European Plain Central Uplands Alpine Mountains

3 Northwest Highlands Rugged hills and low mountains Norway’s coast Fjord Fjord – Narrow deep inlets of the sea set between high rocky cliffs

4 Northern European Plain Low flat land, from France to Western Russia Home to many rivers, River cities (Berlin, Paris) Farming, industry, dense population

5 Very Dense Population

6 Central Upland Old eroded, low rounded hills Coal deposits – industrial towns

7 Alpine Mountain System Alps, Carpathians, Apennines, Pyrenees High peaks, avalanches in winter Tectonic activity Mountain passes for travelers – Not a “huge” physical boundary

8 AVALANCHE! -video clip What causes them? Why are they dangerous? Why so many in the Alps?

9 Swiss – Alpine Pass

10 Skiing is a way of life for Alpine Countries. Why?

11 The Matterhorn – Alps 14,691 ft tall How did it form?

12 Carpathians Eastern Europe

13 Apennines Mountains What Country?

14 Pyrenees Mountains Between what countries?


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