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Section 10.7 – Volume: Prisms and Cylinders pages 557 - 560.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 10.7 – Volume: Prisms and Cylinders pages 557 - 560."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 10.7 – Volume: Prisms and Cylinders pages 557 - 560

2 The volume of a three-dimensional figure is the number of cubic units needed to fill it. A cubic unit is the space occupied by a cube with edges one unit long.

3 Volume of a Prism The volume V of a prism is the product of the base area B and the height h V = Bh

4 Example 1: Finding Volume of a Prism Find the volume of the triangular prism at the left. The volume is 630 cm 3.

5 Check Understanding: a. Find the volume of the triangular prism.

6 You can calculate the volume of a cylinder in much the same way that you calculate the volume of a prism. Volume of a Cylinder The volume V of a cylinder is the base area B times the height h V = Bh

7 Example 2: Finding Volume of a Cylinder Find the volume of the juice can to the nearest cubic centimeter. The volume is about 436 cm 3.

8 Check Understanding b. Find the volume of the cylinder to the nearest cubic foot..


10 Homework pages 559 #s 1-6 –SHOW ALL WORK! –failure to show work will result in either receiving partial or no credit

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