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Ensuring Access and Opportunities for All Students School Reform A Catalyst for Partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "Ensuring Access and Opportunities for All Students School Reform A Catalyst for Partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensuring Access and Opportunities for All Students School Reform A Catalyst for Partnerships

2 When the world is flat... Whatever can be done, it will be done. Thomas Friedman

3 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

4 There is one thing worse than not being able to see. Being able to see, but having no vision. Helen Keller

5 Vision without funding is just a hallucination. Henry Ford

6 Rigor Relevancy Relationships

7 Dropouts cost our nation more than $260 billion in lost wages, lost taxes, and lost productivity over their lifetimes. Secretary of Education Spellings

8 The education pipeline loses young people at many points along the path. For every 10 who start H.S. Fewer than 7 will get a diploma in 4 years 4 will enroll in college the fall semester after graduation Fewer than 2 will complete a 2 or 4 year degree within 150% of the required time.

9 Breakthrough Schools Breaking Ranks II Breaking Ranks in the Middle

10 Ensuring a range of options and programs for all students. Support for At-Risk Students

11 Guiding Principles for Business and School Partnerships A How-To Guide for School-Business Partnerships

12 A How-To Guide for School/Business Partnerships  Preliminary Planning  Laying the Foundation  Implementation  Sustaining Partnership Over Time  Evaluation

13 An Exploratory Study of the Relationship of School-Business Partnerships and Developmental Assets to School Success Among Urban High School Students A Search Institute Report Submitted to the National Association of Partners in Education (NAPE)

14 Risk Behavior Patterns by Partnership Exposure (%) Alcohol Use Drinking/Driving Discipline Problems

15 Student Thriving Outcomes by Partnership Exposure (%) Exhibiting Leadership Maintaining Health Valuing Diversity School Success

16 Student Positive Outcomes by Partnership Exposure (%) Improved Reading Improved Writing Improved Math Skills Improved Problem Solving

17 Student Discipline Referrals & Suspensions

18 Dropout Percentage Rate

19 Honor Roll Percent of Students Enrolled

20 The bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.

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