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Homophones: Words that sound alike, are spelled differently, and have different meanings.

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Presentation on theme: "Homophones: Words that sound alike, are spelled differently, and have different meanings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homophones: Words that sound alike, are spelled differently, and have different meanings.

2 Bury Berry My dog likes to bury his bones. She ate a berry with sugar on it.

3 Wait Weight I can’t wait until my birthday. The weight if the sand crushed me.

4 Site Sight The camp site was in the woods. Helen Keller lost her eye sight.

5 Beet Beat I ate a beet with my salad. My team beat the other team 30-28.

6 Capital Capitol The capital of Virginia is Richmond. The capitol building is grand.

7 Weigh Way How much did the baby weigh? I ate way too much pizza yesterday!

8 Heel Heal The heel of her foot was cut. A doctor can heal the sick man.

9 Course Coarse I took a course in history. Her hair is wavy and coarse.

10 Flour Flower We use flour to make bread. A daisy is my favorite flower.

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