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By Faritha Banu 19-Nov-151 of 5Safety Contact.  It is a general practice of cleaning washrooms using branded cleaning agents (Harpic). We also use Domex.

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Presentation on theme: "By Faritha Banu 19-Nov-151 of 5Safety Contact.  It is a general practice of cleaning washrooms using branded cleaning agents (Harpic). We also use Domex."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Faritha Banu 19-Nov-151 of 5Safety Contact

2  It is a general practice of cleaning washrooms using branded cleaning agents (Harpic). We also use Domex for cleaning floors  Generally Domex, Harpic and other detergents are treated as same  On 08-Nov-09 I had planned to clean the washroom in my house and poured a small quantity of Domex on the washroom floor instead of Harpic (Which I generally use)  As I realized using Domex instead of Harpic, immediately poured small quantity of Harpic on Domex in the floor and left it for 5 mins  After 5 mins I started cleaning the washroom and felt suffocation, but continued to clean after pouring some water  In few seconds I felt giddiness and nausea What Happened 19-Nov-152 of 5Safety Contact

3 The cause of the incident was: 1.Not reading the instruction written in the Harpic and Domex Active ingredient: Domex - Sodium Hypochlorite Harpic - Hydrochloric acid Mixing of other acids or detergents with Domex evolves chlorine gas (Caution given in Domex) Incident-Cause 19-Nov-153 of 5Safety Contact

4 The Learning from the incident : 1. Should read the instruction before using chemicals/medicines and other household materials 2. In Industries chemical-chemical interaction matrix to be studied 3. Labeling of chemicals should be proper 4. MSDS of the chemicals used should available and studied before use Incident-Learnings 19-Nov-154 of 5Safety Contact

5 THANK YOU 19-Nov-155 of 5Safety Contact

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