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The Origins of the Cold War. Origins of the Cold War Russian Revolution of 1917 Tsarist Russia is overthrown Bolshevik (Communist) government takes over.

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Presentation on theme: "The Origins of the Cold War. Origins of the Cold War Russian Revolution of 1917 Tsarist Russia is overthrown Bolshevik (Communist) government takes over."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Origins of the Cold War

2 Origins of the Cold War Russian Revolution of 1917 Tsarist Russia is overthrown Bolshevik (Communist) government takes over Lenin dies in 1924 and Stalin takes power Stalin vows to erase all forms of capitalism “Five year plans” were designed to focus massive gains in agriculture and industry Collectivization of agriculture results in famine that kills 5-10 million people in 2 years Industrialization rapidly increases Russia’s military capabilities and allows them to defeat Germany

3 Origins of the Cold War Following the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, the plan for the carving up of Europe was in place Communist governments loyal to U.S.S.R. would be established in eastern Europe to ensure U.S.S.R. would not be invaded again Germany would be split into 4 occupied zones (U.K., U.S., France, U.S.S.R.) Berlin, though located completely in the U.S.S.R. zone, would be split equally as well

4 Origins of the Cold War After a brief economic stagnation, the U.S. sees a huge boom in production and spending Concern over communism spreading is pervasive among all levels of U.S. society The goal of the U.S. was to link the U.S., western European and Japanese economies to create a worldwide economic power The Soviets wanted to control eastern Europe through a series of satellite states which were loyal to the U.S.S.R.

5 Origins of the Cold War The U.S. tried to involve the U.S.S.R. in the U.N. and hoped that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank would boost international trade The U.S. also hoped the U.N. would be the overseer of atomic activities but the Soviets would not agree to this 1949: U.S.S.R. tests their first atomic bomb Concern over the Soviets’ desire to spread communism all over the world rises

6 Origins of the Cold War George Kennen, an American diplomat in Moscow wires that the Soviets would constantly probe for weakness in the capitalist world Britain requests U.S. help in blocking Soviet influence in continental Europe Churchill declares the U.S.S.R. has dropped an “iron curtain” over the middle of Europe and urged a firm response.

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