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Secondary Application Meeting Welcome. Key Dates Kent Test Assessment ResultsWed 14 th October 2015 (letters to arrive Thurs 15 th October) National SCAF.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Application Meeting Welcome. Key Dates Kent Test Assessment ResultsWed 14 th October 2015 (letters to arrive Thurs 15 th October) National SCAF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Application Meeting Welcome

2 Key Dates Kent Test Assessment ResultsWed 14 th October 2015 (letters to arrive Thurs 15 th October) National SCAF closing dateSat 31 st October 2015 (Kent SCAF accepted to 2 nd November) National Offer DayTues 1 st March 2016 (letters arrive Wed 2 nd March) Closing datesWaiting List Requests 17 th March 2016 Acceptance/Refusals 17 th March 2016 Appeals 13 th April 2016 Reallocation of places by KCCFri 29 th April 2016

3 Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) To apply use the Online Admission Website Very useful website is the KCC Admissions pages: Primary schools will be sent a few blank paper SCAFs. Or you can print one. Kent parents are invited to express up to four preferences in priority order. Put the schools in the order you want them. Putting down one school only will not improve the chance of getting a place.

4 How do I know which schools to apply to? If your child entered the Kent Test you will know the outcome and their scores. Please come in or phone the school on 14 th October to get your child’s scores. You need to know the outcome before asking. You can name a grammar school on your application form even if your child has not passed the test. This then entitles you to an appeal. Please visit schools with your child. Look at school websites and any reports. Look at the admission rules called the ‘Oversubscription Criteria’ criteria/admissions-criteria-201516/secondary-admissions-criteria-201516 Speak to us and other parents. Visit schools!

5 Allocating Places The LA operates an “Equal Preference” scheme. The LA tells schools who has applied for places, not whether they were named first, second, third or fourth, and the schools place their applicants in a rank order based on their oversubscription criteria. All applicants must be ranked, even if the school is very oversubscribed or undersubscribed. The published criteria determine which children can be offered places. The order in which a parent named the schools on the SCAF only matters if more than one of the schools could offer a place. In that case, the LA looks back at the original order and offers a place at whichever of them the parent named highest on the form.

6 Waiting Lists and Appeals Children can only go on the waiting list of a grammar school if they have passed the Kent Test. You can only go on the waiting list of a school that you applied for. You can only appeal for a school that you have applied for. You can appeal to a grammar school even if your child didn’t pass the test. This is a parental appeal.

7 Transport As a general rule, your child will get free home to school transport if the secondary school they will be attending is: The nearest appropriate school for transport purposes and Is more than three miles from home Assessment for eligibility for free transport to the nearest appropriate school does not normally take account of parents’ preference for a particular type of school like a grammar school or a school with a specialism. There isn’t really any free transport! Young Person’s Travel Pass: £250 a year

8 Where can I get advice? From your child’s class teacher, Miss Jones, Mrs Barratt and Mr Reid. Secondary Admission Team: 03000412121 Kent Parent Partnership Service: 03000413000

9 Any questions? Remember we are here to help so please always ask.

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