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Chatter Box Daniel Dunham Mike Nelson Nick Noack.

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Presentation on theme: "Chatter Box Daniel Dunham Mike Nelson Nick Noack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chatter Box Daniel Dunham Mike Nelson Nick Noack

2 Concept: In the Beginning Nick Interest: Voice capability Skill: Visual Basic Mike Interest: Eating out Skill: Algorithms Daniel Interest: GPS Skill: Hardware Chatter Box - Provide the ability to interact with the Personal Server using your ears and voice - Develop a suite of applications to take advantage of this capability Nick Responsibility: Voice Capability and VB-based User Interface programs Mike Responsibility: Restaurant Application, Algorithms and File Formats Daniel Responsibility: Interface to hardware components, overall design

3 Initial Concerns Will Voice actually work? –Will processor be sufficiently fast? –Will libraries be available for Strong Arm? What about the hardware? –Will the Personal Server have enough serial ports and how do we talk to them? What file formats will we use? –How do we work will XML? What parser is good? –What is the best language to code in?

4 Implementation Plan: The Tiers Tier I: Text-Based Communication –Basic functionality, no audio capability Tier II: Text-to-Speech Capability –Queries in text, response in audio Tier III: Speech-to-Text Capability –Basic command recognition, possibly speech recognition Tier IV: Additional Functionality

5 Major Components Motes and Software Interface (Daniel) GPS and Software Interface (Daniel) Restaurant Application (Mike) –Filters menus based on query and static preferences Voice Capabilities (Nick) User Interfaces (Nick) –Cell Phone Emulator, Make Preferences App and Make Menu Application

6 Original Design (Simplified)

7 Modified Design (Simplified)

8 What Has Changed Voice capabilities have moved off board –Voice will be implemented using VB –Command recognition will come from MS Voice SDK Number of applications have been cut –No memo application –GPS path finding application has been scrapped –Restaurant App and Book Reader are the main ones left

9 Major Objectives Provide a way to interact with the Personal Server using your voice and your ears. Develop a suite of applications to take advantage of this capability.

10 Current Status (Daniel) Components –Menu Transmit Application V1.0 released –Menu Receive Application V1.0 released –DistanceCalculator class V1.0 released –Motes are operational –GPS is not, but is not a big problem Current Work –Testing, Documentation and Integration

11 Current Status (Mike) Components –Restaurant Filter Application has basic functionality up, still somewhat buggy. Current Work –Fix bugs and make the application more robust –Add more streamlined query interface –Support for preference files

12 Current Status (Nick) Components –Make Menu Application V0.9 released –Cell Phone emulator under development Current Work –Add validation and some fields to Make Menu –Finish Cell Phone Emulator –Create Make Preferences App (abt 4 hrs.)

13 Current Issues Integration –Finalize interface between Cell Phone Emulator and the Restaurant Application. –Finalize file formats –Runtime of programs on the personal server –File-sharing Hardware –GPS to Personal Server connection

14 Demo Plan Each Member covers one role, –Mike is ‘Joe Cool’, the tech-savvy student –Nick is the Restaurant Owner, sending a menu –Daniel will show what is going on inside the Personal Server. Demonstration will proceed component by component, showing that each works.

15 Demo Plan Last component to be demonstrated will be the cell phone application –We will show various queries based on cuisine, price, ingredients, distance and other factors. Code will be available on each of the two platforms, the tablet computer and the personal server.

16 Acknowledgements Our TA Steve, (we hosed our system too.) Kurt Partridge (gave us mote connections) Ian Shafer (for assistance with Java) Jason Jenks and Waylon Brunette (for assistance with motes)

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