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Regulation & Deregulation Government can make sure that one company does not dominate the market. How? Through antitrust laws starting with the 1890 Sherman.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulation & Deregulation Government can make sure that one company does not dominate the market. How? Through antitrust laws starting with the 1890 Sherman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation & Deregulation Government can make sure that one company does not dominate the market. How? Through antitrust laws starting with the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act Goal = To eliminate businesses from becoming cartels or monopolies

2 Fight against Rockerfeller

3 Modern Example: Microsoft


5 What was the case about? Microsoft wanted to sell its operating system to all computer companies but the deal said all computers had to use Microsofts browser. Lost in Court but appealed and pretty much was able to still sell its operating system but could not force the companies to buy its browser.

6 Breaking up Monopolies: History

7 Deregulation When the government steps in and decides what a company can make and charge in the market. Examples: Airlines, Trucking, Railroad, Banking, Television, Cable



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