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Associated Student Body Do You Know…? 1 8/8/2013 Business Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Associated Student Body Do You Know…? 1 8/8/2013 Business Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Associated Student Body Do You Know…? 1 8/8/2013 Business Services

2 Do you know… O Do you know if you received the Associated Student Body (ASB) beginning of the year forms packet e-mailed on August 1? Do you know the date the forms need to be submitted? 2 8/8/2013 Business Services

3 Do you know… O Do you know if your site has an organized or unorganized ASB? Do you know if there are minutes taken to support action taken on items discussed? 3 8/8/2013 Business Services

4 Do you know… O Do you know who has the combination to your school safe? Do you know the last time the combination was changed? 4 8/8/2013 Business Services

5 Do you know… O Do you know if each of your ASB fundraising activities is supported by a Revenue Potential Form? Do you know the purpose of the Revenue Potential Form? 5 8/8/2013 Business Services

6 Do you know… O Do you know how long money remains at your school site until it is deposited? Do you know if it is counted by two members of your staff before deposit? Do you know if it is deposited intact? Do you know if there is supporting documentation for each deposit made? 6 8/8/2013 Business Services

7 Do you know… O Do you know what to do if money is determined to be missing from your site? 7 8/8/2013 Business Services

8 Do you know… O Do you know the procedure to request an ASB check to be prepared for payment of an invoice? 8 8/8/2013 Business Services

9 Do you know… O Do you know what is sold in your student store? Do you know if periodic inventories are taken of the items held for sale and if you review them? Do you know if periodic profit and loss statements are prepared and if you review them? O Do you know if you have a student store? 9 8/8/2013 Business Services

10 Do you know… O Do you know your PTA/PTO/Booster Club officers and do you meet with them on a regular basis? Do you know if each organization has completed form E 1230? Do you know what form E 1230 is? 10 8/8/2013 Business Services

11 Internal Audit Department O Contact the Internal Audit Department with questions regarding your ASB activities. O Call: O Gene Wyllie – 2054 O Krista Eigenhuis - 2009 8/8/2013 Business Services11

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