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The Book of Acts. Chapter 1 Objectives Evangelize: Believers are called to share the Gospel with everyone. 1.Review Jesus’ teachings between His resurrection.

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1 The Book of Acts

2 Chapter 1 Objectives Evangelize: Believers are called to share the Gospel with everyone. 1.Review Jesus’ teachings between His resurrection and ascension: the kingdom of God, the promises of the Father, the baptism of the Spirit. 2.Note the role and qualifications of the apostles as witnesses of the resurrection.


4 Chapter 2 Objectives 1.Review the events of the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. 2.Examine Peter’s first gospel sermon. Note the evidence presented for the resurrection of Jesus. 3.Observe the response to the sermon. 4.Note the characteristics of the church in Jerusalem

5 Chapter 3 Objectives Salvation: Eternal salvation can only be found in Jesus. 1.Study the healing of the lame man. 2.Examine Peter’s second gospel sermon. Note the call to repent and blessings to follow.

6 Beautiful Gate?


8 Chapter 4 Objectives Work: God desires hard-working men and women of integrity, discipline and perseverance. 1.Study the beginning of the persecution of the church and the reason for it. 2.Note the church’s response to persecution and the continued progress of the church.


10 Chapter 5 Objectives Obedience: God blesses obedience which flows from our faith and allows consequences for disobedience. 1.Examine the sin of Ananias & Sapphira in lying to the Holy Spirit. 2.Note miracles done by apostles; how all were healed. 3.Consider apostles’ response when government tries to stop them from preaching.

11 Chapter 6 Objectives Steward: God has called us to be faithful stewards of all our resources in light of the world to come. 1.Note how Jerusalem church handled internal problems. 2.Examine process of selecting and appointing people to serve in the church. 3.Evaluate charges against Stephen.

12 Chapter 7 Objectives Love: We are to love God with our heart, mind, soul and strength and represent God’s love to the world. 1.Review Stephen’s defense to charges of blasphemy against the temple and the Law. 2.Note remarkable way the first martyr for Christ died.

13 Chapter 8 Objectives Evangelize: Believers are called to share the Gospel with everyone. 1.Note the spread of Gospel into Judea & Samaria, as foretold by Jesus. 2.Review conversions of the Samaritans & Ethiopian man. 3.Examine imparting of the Spirit by laying on of hands.

14 Ministry of Philip

15 Chapter 9 Objectives 1.Study the conversion of Saul. 2.Note two miracles by Peter and effect they had on people who heard about them.

16 Saul’s Conversion & Early Ministry Peter’s Coastal Ministry

17 Chapter 10 Objectives Salvation: Eternal salvation can only be found in Jesus. 1.Study conversion of Cornelius; the first Gentiles to obey the gospel. 2.Note need for religious and devout people to be saved, despite good works. 3.Determine purpose of Holy Spirit falling upon Gentiles, based on the context.

18 Peter visits Cornelius

19 Caesarea

20 Chapter 11 Objectives Image-bearer: Mankind in created equal in God’s image. 1.Learn purpose for the baptism of the Spirit on Gentiles. 2.Note beginning of church in Antioch and early ministry of Barnabas & Saul.

21 Church in Antioch

22 Chapter 12 Objectives 1.Note martyrdom of James and release of Peter from prison through a miracle. 2.Review the untimely death of Herod and continued success of the word of God.

23 Peter probably held prisoner in Tower of Antonia Herod Agrippa I, grandson of Herod the Great

24 Chapter 13 Objectives Evangelize: Believers are called to share the Gospel with everyone. 1.Trace route of first missionary journey. 2.Give special attention to evangelistic methods and message. 3.Notice how people judged themselves unworthy of eternal life - not God. People ordained to be saved have good & noble hearts - willing to listen & obey the gospel.


26 Journey to Cyprus Ruins in Salamis

27 Antioch in Pisidia Remains of Church of St.Paul, built on site of the synagogue where Paul preached

28 Chapter 14 Objectives Work: God desires hard-working men and women of integrity, discipline and perseverance. 1.Continue tracing route 1 st journey. 2.Note the increasing persecution endured by Paul. 3.Give special attention to appointment of elders in every church.


30 Modern city of Konya built on ancient Iconium

31 Lystra Derbe Mounds are unexcavated ancient cities

32 Modern city of Antakya, Turkey is site of ancient Antioch

33 Chapter 15 Objectives 1.See how early church dealt with issues of circumcision and Law of Moses. 2.Note that Paul, Peter & James were in complete agreement. 3.Notice rift between Paul & Barnabas; how it didn’t keep them from serving the Lord.

34 Jerusalem

35 Chapter 16 Objectives Work: God desires hard-working men & women of integrity, discipline and perseverance. 1.Trace route of 2 nd missionary journey. 2.Consider whether Spirit led Paul through impressions or another way. 3.Study conversions of Lydia and Philippian jailer.


37 Ancient Roman road from Antioch to Galatia Ruins in Troas

38 Monument to Lydia’s baptism Ancient theater Philippi

39 Chapter 17 Objectives Revelation: God reveals himself through His creation, His Son and His written word. 1.Study how Paul preached in Thessalonica & Berea and how the message was received by each. 2.See how enemies of the gospel can be relentless in their efforts to stop the spread of the Truth. 3.Study how Paul preached in Athens and found common ground to teach the Gospel in an idolatrous city.


41 Thessalonica Modern city of Thessaloniki Ancient city wall

42 Modern city of Veroia Berea

43 Athens Areopagus or “Mars Hill” NW Turkey, inscription reads “To unknown Gods…”

44 Chapter 18 Objectives 1.Study final travels of 2 nd journey - Corinth to Antioch. 2.Review the work of Aquila, Priscilla and Apollos. 3.Observe beginning of Paul’s third journey.


46 Corinth Corinth canal

47 Corinth Ruins of marketplace

48 Chapter 19 Objectives 1.Note how those baptized only with John’s baptism were baptized in Jesus’s name. 2.Study how Paul taught in Ephesus for 2 years. 3.Review what happened when false teachers tried to cast out demons in the name of Jesus. 4.Study the uprising caused by Demetrius & silversmiths.


50 Ephesus Ruins of ancient street Statue of Artemis from Ephesian museum

51 Ephesus Theater that seated 24,000 people!

52 Chapter 20 Objectives 1.Review travels in Macedonia & Greece. 2.Note Paul’s preaching til midnight and talking til morning - after Eutychus falls. 3.Review Paul’s travels from Troas to Miletus. 4.Study Paul’s meeting with Ephesian elders in Miletus.


54 Chapter 21 Objectives 1.Explore warnings Paul received as he traveled to Jerusalem. 2.Review arrival of Paul in Jerusalem. 3.Examine Paul’s arrest in the temple. 4.Note Paul’s request to address the violent mob as he entered the barracks.


56 Chapter 22 Objectives Government: All authority is established by God and the role of government is instituted by Him to suppress evil and promote peace. 1.Explore Paul’s address to the mob. 2.Understand how Paul used his Roman citizenship to avoid being flogged. 3.Observe Paul taken before the Sanhedrin.

57 Chapter 23 Objectives 1.Consider events of Paul and the Sanhedrin. 2.Review plot by the Jews to kill Paul. 3.Examine Paul’s transport to Caesarea to appear before Governor Felix.

58 Caesarea

59 Chapter 24 Objectives Truth: All truth is God’s truth and it is absolute – not relative 1.Review accusation of the Jews presented by Tertullus. 2.Consider Paul’s defense before Felix. 3.Observe Felix’s delay in rendering judgement.

60 Chapter 25 Objectives 1.Consider the circumstances in which Paul appealed to Caesar. 2.Observe Paul before King Agrippa.

61 Chapter 26 Objectives Evangelize: Believers are called to share the Gospel with everyone. 1.Consider Paul’s defense before King Agrippa. 2.Review Paul’s question on belief of the prophets to Agrippa. 3.Observe Agrippa, Festus and others in deliberation on Paul’s case.

62 Chapter 27 Objectives Consistency: God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; He is ever-present, all-knowing & unchanging. 1.Observe how Paul’s trip to Rome began. 2.Notice how Paul warned of disaster and was ignored. 3.Examine how the stormy sea became disastrous. 4.Study how all were saved in the shipwreck.



65 Crete Fair Havens Phoenix


67 Malta Ruins of a Roman villa on Malta – possibly home of Publius?? Beach in St. Paul’s Bay

68 Chapter 28 Objectives 1.Review the events on Malta. 2.Observe Paul’s arrival in Rome. 3.Consider Paul’s work in Rome while under house arrest.


70 Letters written while Paul imprisoned in Rome Ephesi ans Philippi ans Colossi ans Philem on

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