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Sunday, June 05, 2016 Climate Smart Agriculture Policy trade offs in the Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Sunday, June 05, 2016 Climate Smart Agriculture Policy trade offs in the Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sunday, June 05, 2016 Climate Smart Agriculture Policy trade offs in the Netherlands

2 The Netherlands at a glance 16.805.037 ( 2013 ) inhabitants 449,9 people per km² 37.354 km² Partly sub-sea level Polders Sea defenses and dikes Well known for agriculture bulbs, dairy, tomatoes, potatoes, cheese, seeds Unesco world heritage, mainly water related: Waddensea, polders 2 Sunday, June 05, 2016

3 Dutch agriculture: key figures Economic significance of the AgriFood complex: 10% of employment 675.000 fte Added value: €52 billion (9,5% GDP) Livestock: € 26 billion Horticulture:€ 7 billion Export Value: € 75 billon (19%) Export driven Agriculture in the Netherlands Ca 68.000 SMEs Wageningen University and Research Centre Sunday, June 05, 2016

4 Climate mitigation policies Netherlands EU member: Kyoto agreement Specific mitigation reduction targets (2020) Horticulture: -20% CO2-eq Live stock: -30% CO2-eq Realisation (2011): -28.9% Energy policy Energy taxes Degressive: favoring bigger users Energy efficiency Renewable energy Livestock policies Discussion about sectoral targets 2030 Sunday, June 05, 2016

5 Sustainable Production Policies EU policies Insurances Investment guarantees Innovation Export enhancing policies Environmental policies Water- and soil-quality Nutrients Air Quality NOx, NH3, small particles Animal welfare Sunday, June 05, 2016

6 Climate Adaptation Policies Netherlands = ‘Low countries’ Vulnerable to sea level rise Vulnerable to river flooding Serious Adaptation programm Water based 2017 new strategy, broader scope Seed and starting material sector Breeding and genetics Main issues: Preventing flooding Preserving sweet water supply salinization Controlling water levels Sunday, June 05, 2016

7 3 Policy areas – interactions most interesting Sunday, June 05, 2016 Sustainable Food production Mitigation Adaptation

8 Policy trade offs: Horticulture ProductionMitigationAdaptation Energy tax system +- Renewable energy + Sweet water ++ Flooding ++ Spatial planning -+ Waste water quality - Fertilizer use +- Sunday, June 05, 2016

9 Policy trade offs: crop production ProductionMitigationAdaptation Renewable energy 0+ Farm fuels 0?+ Fertilizer and pesticides +- Flooding ++ Sweet water ++ Soil, organic matter +++ Sunday, June 05, 2016

10 Policy trade offs: dairy production ProductionMitigationAdaptation Energy taxes +0 Renewable energy 0+ Amount of animals +- Feed + LULUCF -++ Farm fuels 0?+? Fertilizer +- Flooding ++ Water quality -+ Air quality -+ Animal welfare -- Sunday, June 05, 2016

11 Trade offs:review In every sector different trade offs Dependent on main sectoral characteristics Energy use Land use Non CO2 GHG emissions Environmental performance Sectors working on their ‘licence to produce’ Animal welfare NL: Making production more sustainable Environmental trade offs leading Adaptation is in our genes Sunday, June 05, 2016

12 Discussion System boundaries: Production or sustainable production? environmental trade offs? Fertilizer? AFOLU or LULUCF? Policy allingnment Responsibilities and Priorities? Intervention Level Policy or farm scale? Actors: science, companies, governments, …. NGOs? Sunday, June 05, 2016

13 Any Qs? A’s will follow (if possible) Sunday, June 05, 2016 Thank you for your Attention

14 Sunday, June 05, 2016


16 Challences Incentive for Non-CO2 GHG EU milk quotum Secure investment possibilities Farmers themselves Stricter climate policy Multiple goals at farm level: interactions? Energy Saving and producing Biofuels Land use (LULUCF) And: oh yeah, sustainable production as well Sunday, June 05, 2016

17 5 juni 2016 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 17 3 Policy areas – trade offs most interesting 5 juni 2016 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 17 Food production Mitigation Adaptation Production renewable energy (biomass etc) Fertilizer use Desubsidize farm fuels Degressive energy taxes Water retention areas LULUCF / water level Sweet water supply … Organic matter in soils Oxidation of organic soils …

18 Sunday, June 05, 2016 3 Policy areas – interactions most interesting 5 juni 2016 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 18 Food production Mitigation: -Fossil fuels -CO2 concentration -…. Adaptation Horticulture and energy GHG dairy production Production renewable energy (biomass etc) Fertilizer use Water retention areas Saline crops (potato) Animal and plant diseases, pests … Organic matter in soils Oxidation of organic soils …

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