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Power Point For Life Sloan Oliver 2 nd period. Baby Nursery.

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1 Power Point For Life Sloan Oliver 2 nd period

2 Baby Nursery

3 Baby Mattress and Bed  ene7- image&image=Target/11218262_is&omniZoomPartNum ber=11218262&swCellSpacing=10,10&swHighlightThickn ess=1&swBorderThickness=0&itemTitle=Graco+Charlesto n+Classic+Convertible+Crib+Classic+Cherry&altindexid= 2&omniImageCount=8 ene7- image&image=Target/11218262_is&omniZoomPartNum ber=11218262&swCellSpacing=10,10&swHighlightThickn ess=1&swBorderThickness=0&itemTitle=Graco+Charlesto n+Classic+Convertible+Crib+Classic+Cherry&altindexid= 2&omniImageCount=8  Crib ($174.59)  crib-mattress/-/A-12941582 crib-mattress/-/A-12941582  Mattress ($52)  Total Cost: $226.59

4 Car Seat  cortina-travel-system-midori/-/A-14173177 cortina-travel-system-midori/-/A-14173177  Price: $349.99  -Combined with stroller

5 Stroller  cortina-travel-system-midori/-/A-14173177 cortina-travel-system-midori/-/A-14173177  Price: $349.99  -Combined with car seat

6 Burping a Baby  Burping helps to get rid of some of the air that babies tend to swallow during feeding. In some babies, not being burped frequently and too much swallowed air can lead to spitting up, crankiness, and gassiness.

7 How to Burp a Baby  When burping your baby, repeated gentle patting on your baby's back should do the trick — there's no need to pound hard. To prevent messy cleanups when your baby spits up or has a "wet burp," you might want to place a towel or bib under your baby's chin or on your shoulder. The different positions for burping a baby.


9 Bottle Feeding  There are three kinds of formulas to choose from: powder, concentrate, and ready-to-feed  Once you have decided which one you are going to use, follow these steps:  Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and work in a clean area. Check the “use by” date on the can for freshness and clean the lid before opening.  Test the water temperature by putting some of it on your wrist, your wrist is a sensitive area.  Then combine the water and formula, use the correct measurements (should be printed on the formula’s package).

10 Kinds of Formulas  Powder: Powder is the most common and economical type of formula, but the use of powdered infant formula is not recommended with immunocompromised infants. When preparing it, fill the sterilized bottle with sterile water before adding the powder. Use one unpacked, level scoop of powder for every 2 ounces of water. Cap the bottle and shake well to mix.  Concentrate formula is easy to prepare. Before opening, clean the top of the can and shake it until you no longer hear the liquid inside. To prepare, mix an equal amount of sterile water and liquid concentrate in a sterilized bottle.  This form of formula makes feeding simple. Before opening, clean the top of the can and shake it until you no longer hear the liquid inside. Pour the formula directly into a sterilized bottle, and it’s ready to use.

11 How to Warm a Bottle  1.Never heat a bottle of breast milk or formula in the microwave. It creates hot spots in the liquid that can burn baby’s mouth, and it can lessen the nutrient quality.  2.Safely warm a bottle by standing it in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes or holding under running water.  3.Shake the bottle to distribute the warmed milk.  4.Test warmed breast milk or formula by shaking a few drops onto your wrist. If the liquid feels just barely warm, it’s a safe temperature for your baby.


13 How to Diaper a Baby #1  Decide what brand and kind of diapers to use.  Are you going to use cloth or disposable?  What brand?

14 Importance of Washing your Hands  It is recommended that you wash your hands 3x when you are changing a diaper.  You are supposed to wash your hands before, during, and after you change a baby’s diaper.  You need to wash your hands before because you don’t want to transfer bacteria onto the baby.  After you take the dirty diaper off and clean the bottom, you also need to wash your hands then. If you have any poop left on your hands and put that onto the clean diaper, it could be harmful to the baby.  You also need to wash your hands after you are done, because you need to get all of the baby’s waste off of your hands.

15 Changing  One you remove the dirty diaper, you throw it away and wipe down the baby’s bottom.  Then you replace it with a new, clean, diaper. You need to use baby powder so they don’t get a diaper rash.

16 Reflexes  Reflex is an automatic body response to a stimulus.  There are several reflexes and primitive reflexes.  Most of them appear in the first year.

17 Rooting  Rooting causes the baby to turn their head if something rubs against their face. This action helps them find a food source.

18 Palmer Grasp  This is a reflex that occurs when you touch the inside of a baby’s palm and they grab onto your hand.

19 Moro  Moro reflex is also known as “startle reflex.” It occurs when a baby is startled by sudden movement or a noise. The baby will react by flinging their arms and legs outward. Then the baby will quickly draw their arms and legs together and start to cry very loudly.

20 Babinski  This is a reflex that is present at birth of babies who were born at full term.  To test this reflex, stroke the sole of the foot on the outside from heel to toe. The toes will fan out and curl and the foot twists.

21 Stepping  It can be observed at full term babies.  When and infant is held so the feet are flat on the surface, the infant will lift one foot in front of the other in a stepping motion.

22 Failure to thrive (FFT)  This happens more with infants and toddlers.  Symptoms include lack of weight gain and heigth. 

23 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)  To prevent this:  -place infants on their back to sleep  -provide a firm crib covered be a sheet  -keep soft materials out of the crib.

24 Toy Gross Motor Skills  Push Toy/Walker--A push toy or walker is often a favorite of infants who are just learning to walk. These toys enable them to develop balance and coordination, as well as master the control of the muscle in their arms and legs.

25 Toy Develops Fine Motor Skills  Give your child a rattle or a small toy and allow him/her to play with it until they drop it when they loose interest. Also give them a wide range of colors and textures that are on the toys, and give him/her a chance to explore each object by passing them from hand to hand.

26 Toy That promotes Self Awareness  Lying infants on their back, dangle a toy or rattle so that it brushes against his hands, it will take time but the infants will start to realize that there is a connection between the sensation of touch and the proximity of the toy to their little hands.

27 Anatomy of the Brain

28 Frontal Lobe  Located behind the forehead, the frontal lobes are the largest lobes of the brain. The functions include: -planning -organizing -problem solving -memory -impulse control -decision making -selective attention -controlling our behavior and emotions --The left frontal lobe plays a large role in speech and language.

29 Parietal Lobe  Located behind the frontal lobes, the parietal lobes: -integrate sensory information from various parts of the body -contain the primary sensory cortex, which controls sensation (touch, hot or cold, pain) -tell us which way is up -help to keep us from bumping into things when we walk

30 Temporal Lobe  The temporal lobes are located on the sides of the brain under the parietal lobes and behind the frontal lobes at about the level of the ears. They are responsible for: -recognizing and processing sound -understanding and producing speech -various aspects of memory

31 Occupational lobe  Located at the lower back of the head, the occipital lobes: -receive and process visual information -contain areas that help in perceiving shapes and colors

32 Characteristics of the Left Brain  More logical, analytical and objective  Adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking Language Logic Critical thinking Numbers Reasoning

33 Characteristics of the Right Brain  More intuitive, thoughtful and subjective  Best at expressive and creative tasks: Expressing emotions Music Reading emotions Color Images Intuition Creativity

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