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Online Reporting The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Reporting Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Reporting The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Reporting Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Reporting The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Reporting Session

2 DATA REPORTS (Approved cases only ) 1.Data Accreditation 2.Performance Review Indicators 3.BOAST4 4.Best Practice Tariff (MTC only) 5.Unmatched transfers report HOSPITAL ACTIVITY screen ADMIN REPORT (Any case status) 1.Submission Summary

3 Data Reports To produce a Data report:  Log into  Reports  Create Report  Choose parameters  Generate Report  View Generated Report

4 Accreditation Report Breakdown of fields used in Data Accreditation %:  GCS  Arrival time  Transfer details  Operation  CT  Doctors in ED  Injuries: % of Not Further specified codes (NFS)  Pre Existing Medical Conditions  Transfer detail  Pupils: AIS3+ Head injuries Missing data is highlighted in Red

5 Interpreting the Accreditation report! Shows all fields contributing to Accreditation % Accreditation is shown as: E=expected value and S=score for each field Score is a fraction of expected value & should be interpreted as a percentage, e.g. 0.5 = 50%.  Score of 1.00 represents 100% (complete data) for that field (shown in green)  Score of 0.00 represents no expected data for that field (e.g. If Patient did not have a CT scan).  Score of <100% will be highlighted in red. THESE ARE THE FIELDS TO REVIEW.

6 Performance Review Indicators Submission ID NHS number Age Gender Injury Mechanism ISS & ISS band Intubation GCS Probability of Survival Outcome Incident date/time Arrival date/time Discharge date LOS ICU LOS Transfer from/to Mode of arrival ED visit Trauma Team Senior Dr in ED Date/Time First Dr in ED Date/Time No of Operations Date/time 1st Operation Time to 1 st Operation Date/Time 1 st CT Time to 1 st CT * Incident & Home postcodes Triage Tool Pre Alert PRF * Wards visited (first 3) NICE criteria Shocked Patient Rehab Prescription GOS Case for Review * Most severely injured body region Maximum AIS All Injuries  Summary of Approved cases for any specified time period.  Highlights Key Performance Measures that underpin TARN reports: * New

7 Analysing your own data using PRI Report  Instructions in Manual  Create a PRI report  List specific patients e.g.  AIS3+ Head injuries CT within 1 hour  ISS 16 – 75 who saw a Consultant  PS 75% or higher who died  Produce a breakdown

8 BOAST 4  Severe Open tibia fractures  Further classified as Gustilo grade IIIB or IIIC (or ungraded)  Standard: Stabilisation within 24 hrs & soft tissue cover within 72 hrs of injury.  Report shows compliance with standard

9 Best Practice Tariff Reports Available to Major Trauma Centres only BPT14-16 Showing ALL approved submissions Approved by TARN with an ISS>8 Users can cross check fields that may affect payment  RED highlights information currently resulting in no BPT payment.  YELLOW alerts a user to information that is affecting BPT payment level. Awaiting Post mortem Lists submissions where Post mortem is still outstanding.

10 Unmatched Transfers  All unmatched transfers  Dispatched or Approved  Transfer in or out  When matching submission entered: notification disappears

11 Activity screen  Activity Summary for each Hospital  Updates instantly, includes:  Submission Summary  ISS Breakdown  MOI breakdown

12 Submission Summary Report (Excel)  Exports submissions into Excel with patient names & identifiers.  Used to monitor Submissions in any status:  Created  Dispatched  Approved  Rejected  Returned

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