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Topic: The Second President Warm Up: What characteristics does a person need to be a great president?

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1 Topic: The Second President Warm Up: What characteristics does a person need to be a great president?

2 Who won the election of 1796? John Adams

3 Term: 2nd President of the United States (1797-1801) Born: October 30, 1735, Braintree Massachusetts Nickname: "Atlas of Independence" Education: Harvard College (graduated 1755) Religion: Unitarian Career: Lawyer Marriage: October 25, 1764, to Abigail Smith (1744-1818) Children: Abigail Amelia (1765-1813), John Quincy (1767-1848), Susanna (1768-1770), Charles (1770-1832), Thomas Boylston (1772-1832) Political Party: Federalist Died: July 4, 1826, in Quincy, Massachusetts


5 Events of Adams’ Presidency XYZ Affair- France was seizing American ships in the Caribbean. Adams sent three diplomats to France hoping to avoid war. Three agents for the French government demanded a personal bribe of $250,000 and a loan of $10 million for France. TalleyRand Building of the American Navy Federalist Party Splits- Federalists wanted war with France. Angered by Adams’ refusal to go to war with France the party split.

6 Alien Act- Allowed the President to expel any alien, or foreigner, thought to be dangerous to the country. Sedition Act- Citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials. Events of Adams’ Presidency


8 Students Activities Political Cartoon and questions (XYZ Affair) Why did Republicans like James Madison believe the Sedition Act violated the Constitution?


10 Summary Should Americans be aloud to criticize the government and leaders?

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