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Condor Week 2007 Windows Condor Pool at Clemson University Sebastien Goasguen School of Computing and Clemson Computing Information Technology (CCIT) May.

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Presentation on theme: "Condor Week 2007 Windows Condor Pool at Clemson University Sebastien Goasguen School of Computing and Clemson Computing Information Technology (CCIT) May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Condor Week 2007 Windows Condor Pool at Clemson University Sebastien Goasguen School of Computing and Clemson Computing Information Technology (CCIT) May 2 nd 2007

2 Condor Week 2007 Clemson basics Public land grant institution founded in 1889 ~13,000 undergrads and ~4,500 grads ~1,300 faculty members New commitment to computing as the backbone of research and teaching

3 Condor Week 2007 Clemson Computing DNA Clemson has put computing at the core of its mission –New CIO: Jim Bottum –New CTO: Jim Pepin –New School of Computing, search in progress for a school director, three division leaders and couple months later six assistant professors Building traditional HPC from scratch –No prior involvement in HPC support –No trained staff for either system administration or application Infrastructure and hardware are there or coming –20,000 sqft of raised floor, new power coming straight from the nuclear plant, $3c a kwatt –10 Gbps connection being worked on, NLR 6 miles away from machine room. ~$1.5M SCLR approved by board of trustees last week –Above 10 Tflops in the works through various sources. Automotive research center (Michelin, BMW…), Faculty community cluster and Provost support All hands on deck to build the CI campus of tomorrow

4 Condor Week 2007 Building CI at Clemson The Fabric layer –HPC resources ->Clusters –Campus Grid -> Condor –Sharing of resources ->OSG The middleware layer –Deploy services interface to our resources -> WS –Increase identity management capabilities for sharing -> Gridshib The application layer –New environments for students –New environments for researchers ->”Portal”, “Gateways”, Desktop applications, other… A social layer –Raising awareness on campus –Fulfilling expectations of faculty

5 Condor Week 2007 Teaching CI

6 Condor Week 2007 Where to start ? No HPC resources No expertise in HPC or grids “what works, is reliable and free ?…” “Let’s do a windows condor pool, and let’s join OSG”

7 Condor Week 2007 Randy Martin, David Atkinson, Matt Rector

8 Condor Week 2007 Results Built a ~1,000 machines pool and got usage in 4 months Learned condor installation, administration, debugging Experience improved our management of the windows machines –More efficient lab image distribution. The current in-house developed method of distribution takes days to distribute image changes to all pcs…Also need to specify machine ads on image. –Eliminate need for 2am image refreshes on each lab pc. Outreach to the whole campus Got familiar with grid software and operation, used VDT Attending Condor week.

9 Condor Week 2007 Details 1085 windows machines, 2 linux machines (central and a OSG gatekeeper), condor reporting 1563 slots 845 maintained by CCIT 241 from other campus depts >50 locations From 1 to 112 machines in one location Student housing, labs, library, coffee shop Mary Beth Kurz, first condor user at Clemson: March 215,000 hours, ~110,000 jobs April 110,000 hours, ~44,000 jobs

10 Condor Week 2007 The world before Condor 1800 input files 3 alternative genetic algorithm designs 50 replicates desired Estimated running time on 3.2 GHz machine with 1 GB RAM: 241 days Slides from Dr. Kurz

11 Condor Week 2007 First submit file attempt Monday noon-ish Used the documentation and examples at Wisconsin condor site and created: Universe = vanilla Executable = main.exe log = re.log output = out.$(Process).out arguments = 1 llllll-0 Queue Forgot to specify Windows and Intel and also to transfer the output back (thanks David Atkinson) Got a single submit file to run 2 specific input files by mid-afternoon Tuesday Slides from Dr. Kurz

12 Condor Week 2007 Tuesday 6 pm – submitted 1800 jobs in a Cluster Universe = vanilla Executable = MainCondor.exe requirements = Arch=="INTEL" && OpSYS=="WINNT51" should_transfer_files = YES transfer_input_files = InputData/input$(Process).ft whenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT log = run_1/re_1.log output = run_1/re_1.stdout error = run_1/re_1.err transfer_output_remaps = "1.out = run_1/opt1-output$(Process).out" arguments = 1 input$(Process) queue 1800 200 ran at a time, but that eventually got resolved Slides from Dr. Kurz

13 Condor Week 2007 Wednesday afternoon: Love notes Slides from Dr. Kurz

14 Condor Week 2007 OSG nanoHUB GLOW Type of jobs being worked on GROMACS, molecular dynamics Cygwin Java universe Text mining for medline database Matlab / Octave in cygwin LIDAR data analysis, FDTD, Neural Networks OSG nanoHUB jobs GLOW “Currently, we are conducting large bio text mining on the Condor. The Medline database of U.S. National Library of Medicine includes over 17 million citations of life science journals for biomedical articles back to 1950s. Our research focuses on mining relationship between ten thousands genes, chemicals and hundreds of diseases from Medline database. The Condor provides us a platform for the quick, parallel search the Medline database.” Dr. Feng Luo, School of Computing

15 Condor Week 2007 Open Science Grid Join the national infrastructure Use the national infrastructure Contribute resources (hardware and human) Ease of installation through VDT

16 Condor Week 2007 Firewall Issues Couple years ago after Blaster and Co, Clemson put every machine behind a firewall. Globus ephemeral ports closed –Cannot send Globus job from my desktop osggate desktop ssh Condor-c

17 Condor Week 2007 nanoHUB Internals Globus enabled resources GT2 or GT4 WSRF Gateway machine Initializes trusted proxy Condor-G submit Local Virtual Machines Condor-C submit PBS Submit VNC redirect Sessions managed by InVIGO-Lite Static set of VMs VIOLIN Virtual Cluster

18 Condor Week 2007 Evolution of Science Gateways for Virtual Organizations Remote Resources SSH - Direct Access Least interactions gsissh and/or Web Services Web Services Social interactions Information Age Fully Service Oriented Architecture/Semantic Grid Technologies Web Services Social immersion Interaction Age

19 Condor Week 2007 Next-generation: Socially immersive science gateways Work being led by Prof. Madhavan with CCIT collaboration

20 Condor Week 2007 Conclusions Clemson has made computing a priority Condor is the first “CI” project at Clemson OSG is a close second Condor has already impacted Clemson researcher Clemson hopes to contribute to the community NSF seems happy… Thanks to the Condor team !! Acknowledgements: Randy Martin, David Atkinson, Matt Rector, Mike Gossett,John Minor, Matt Saltzmann, Mary- Beth Kurz, Feng Luo

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