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Side Event at OEWG-36 of the Montreal Protocol 23 rd July, 2015 AHRI-UNEP Initiative Refrigerant Driving License (RDL)

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1 Side Event at OEWG-36 of the Montreal Protocol 23 rd July, 2015 AHRI-UNEP Initiative Refrigerant Driving License (RDL)

2  Challenges about sound management of future refrigerants by the HVAC&R supply-chain network;  Difficulties in enforcing national/regional certification programs and ensure level competencies + movement of HVAC&R workforce ;  Role and mandate of UNEP in supporting the policy and technical institutional setups linked to refrigerants management at national, regional and global levels plus experience in implementing good-practice projects in more than 100 developing countries over last two decades;  AHRI strong position to coordinate global initiatives amongst industry associations in all continents; and  Serious willingness of industry to jointly address the challenge through common voice approach for example GRMI.

3 CFCs, HCFCs & HFC (mainly R134a) CFCs (limited), HCFCs & HFCs (134a, 407C & 410A) HCFCs, HFCs & low-GWP Options (HC, CO2, HFOs, others) 1995-2005 2005-2015/2020 2020 – onward PLUG & PLAY PeriodNew skills needed Refrigerants progression in most A5 countries

4 Legislators Industry and Technology Providers End-Users and Operators Enforcement Direction - Slow, Erratic - Inefficient - Not sustainable Feedback - Poor - Not well Institutionalized - Existing Technicians Certification Schemes

5 What is RDL?  Globally recognized and acceptable qualification program that sets minimum requirements for the sound management of refrigerants by the Supply-Chain Network.  The qualification program to be developed, led and required by Industry as a minimum requirements for business relationships.  The proposal will provide a template of good practices to be included in industry and government certification schemes.  It will not replace any existing national or regional cortication scheme or overrule role of governments The key concept is: A Joint Industry Approach

6 1.Three categories of partnerships are sought for RDL: A.Industry associations: EPEE, JRAIA, CRAA, ABRAVA, etc. B.Technical Societies and Institutes: ASHRAE, AREA, JRAN, etc. C.UN specialized agencies: UNESCO, ILO, UNIDO, etc. 2.Each category shall play key role in making RDL: Technically sound Globally acceptable Easily introduced and affordable

7 What’s next 1.Finalize the detailed proposal including outline, partnerships and resources 2.Establish taskforce, led by UNEP and AHRI in cooperation with key interested partners, to develop the RDL program and content. 3.Examine the program and its operational mechanism (Pilot Testing) 4.Launch the final product globally and promote its use. Expected timeframe for the project to be operational: 24-36 months

8 ECDL /ICDL certification is a globally recognized information and communication technology (ICT) and digital literacy qualification. The ECDL Foundation announced that over 13 million people in over 100 countries had registered to use the system. In 1995, the ECDL certification programme was developed through a task force of the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) and was recommended by the European Commission High Level Group, ESDIS, to be a Europe-wide certification scheme

9 Shamila Nair-Bedouelle Head, OzonAction Branch UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, DTIE Email: James K. Walters Vice President, International Affairs Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, AHRI E-mail:

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