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WELCOME! EdA 510 Supervision and Teacher Development Week Three April 18 th.

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1 WELCOME! EdA 510 Supervision and Teacher Development Week Three April 18 th

2 Agenda 1.Review of homework assignment – internet resource presentations (3 minutes each) 2.Calculating AYP from school report cards 3.Clinical model for supervision and teacher development 1. Review of notes and observational skills – counting frequencies, looking for patterns, considering a major occurrence, which performance indicators are present and which are not 2. Page 288 to 293 Jigsaw 3. Approach to post observation conference 4.Break I (9:45 am) 5.Clinical observation from disk 6.Review of clinical observation assignment for next week. (observation and report parameters)

3 Agenda II 7.Writing activity – At this point of the course how would you define educational supervision? 2 to 3 paragraphs 8.Summative evaluation v. Formative observation 9.Lunch (12 to 12:30 pm) 10.Professional development and teacher support 1. Peer coaching practices 2. Using the Danielson Framework 11.Chapter 7 Developmental Supervision – case study exercise 12.Break II (1:45) 13.Chapter 18 – Professional Development 14.Review of Oral Report assignment due on May 2nd 15.Chapter 9 Jigsaw and role play

4 Week Two Course Closure Clinical observation process is about professional development and capacity building Informal observations done with frequency need to be assessed with standards or a performance rubric Supervisory behaviors are a function of the context in which a supervisor is employed Assessing and planning skills are requisite for a supervisor to be able to effectively carry out observations and develop support plans for teaching improvement and academic progress

5 Week One Course Closure Review of the Inbox Quadrants Any new thoughts on where to place items? What? What? Why? Why? Lingering questions journal write – reflect on today’s topics and process. What questions do you still have? What would you like to discuss further as a group? What changes would you have made?

6 Internet Resource Homework Second Skill Assignment April 18, 2009 Assessment Rubric: Content (15 pts.) 531 Clear definition of resourceResource was somewhat explainedResource was not clear 531 Variety of applications offeredLimited thought to applicationNo application included Format (5 pts.) 531 Clearly written, well organized, Computer structure was apparent, Computer address is challenged no errors in APA or URLsome errors in mechanics or URL by lack of computer URL address no errors in APA or URLsome errors in mechanics or URL by lack of computer URL address

7 School Report Cards Calculating Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) (% level 2’s + % level 3’s + % level 4’s) + (% level 3’s + % level 4’s) = Perf. Index AYP and a school’s Performance Index are identical. Annual Measurable Objective or – AMO is the target set by federal and state progress expectations Comparisons to the DOE’s Progress Report grades and measurements Response to data

8 Clinical Supervisory Model Review of notes from last class. What did you write or attempt to write down in class? What could you look at in a real classroom? Review of Glickman and Gordon pp. 288 to 293. What are the elements of the clinical supervisory model? What assumptions are implied by its use? What approach would you take to the post observation conference for the lesson we viewed? How would peer coaching make use of this model?

9 Break (15 min.)

10 Clinical Observation II What is the approach to this pre- observation conference Given the lens, what observational skill should you practice?

11 Review of the Clinical Observation Assignment for next week Conduct a formal teacher observation using the clinical supervisory model we have studied Select your teacher and set an observational lens during the pre- observation conference. What supervisory approach will you take? (Non-directive or collaborative) Observe the lesson using a “tool” for scripting, counting the frequency of something, capturing a pattern of speech or student responses, analysis of significant teaching moves/events, etc. Your paper (6 to 8 pages) will review your analysis of the observation in light of the pre-observation conference and agreed upon “lens”. Keep inferences low and draw conclusions based on solid evidence.

12 The intended learner outcomes are established in the pre-observation conference You will demonstrate an understanding of student achievement through your guidance in the pre- observation conference, your analysis of the observation and your ending suggestions. To be successful on this assignment there must be some carefully considered next steps for the cooperating teacher – not criticism – but feedback that they are open to receiving. Your presentation in class must use a visual technology (chart paper or power point) and should be paced for a 7 minute presentation with 2 minutes of Q & A. Let me know during the week if you are having a problem conducting this observation. Review of the Clinical Observation Assignment for next week

13 Defining Educational Supervision Reflect on our discussions of supervision and the various types and applications of teacher observations. Write in your “journal” two to three paragraphs that define your understanding of Educational Supervision Questions to consider as you reflect and write: How is educational supervision different or similar to instructional leadership? How is educational supervision different or similar to instructional leadership? What processes for instructional and academic improvement does an educational supervisor create and maintain as their primary focus? What processes for instructional and academic improvement does an educational supervisor create and maintain as their primary focus?

14 Summative evaluation and Formative observations What is the difference between these two terms? To which does the clinical supervisory model apply? Where, when and how would you use informal observations of teachers? Why the need for both?

15 Lunch! Let’s break for 30 minutes Upon return we will look at peer coaching and the use of Danielson’s frameworks

16 Peer Coaching Practices and Direct Assistance to Teachers Peer coaching and use of the clinical supervisory model Economies of scale with peer coaching Difficulties in implementing peer coaching on a large scale School professional culture and peer coaching – all teachers are observers and cultivators of teaching talent Integrating peer coaching into the larger school achievement goals and needs How could the peer coaching model be used to “advance” a school’s understanding and use of the Danielson framework for teaching?

17 Chapter 7 – Developmental Supervision What supervisory behavior is used in your case study? Why is this an example of effective or ineffective supervisory support? What would your possible alternate strategy with this case study? How would an urban and “under resourced” school context affect your approach or the outcomes of this intervention? What are the two core elements of developmental supervision?

18 Break II 1:45 pm

19 Professional Development (chp. 18) Relevant Professional Development models view teachers as agents, not objects of professional development and learning Teachers must be involved in the creation and design of all professional development efforts PD starts with the school-wide goals and needs, but also integrates the group and individual development goals into its framework All PD efforts need to address the three stages of learning: Orientation Stage – Study groups identify literature and scope Orientation Stage – Study groups identify literature and scope Integration Stage – Lab site learning opportunities model this Integration Stage – Lab site learning opportunities model this Refinement Stage – Peer coaching becomes ongoing lab site Refinement Stage – Peer coaching becomes ongoing lab site

20 Review of “Oral Report” Assignment – Due May 2 nd Each committee of four will prepare a report covering all five topics Each topic is to be considered in the context of educational supervision and teacher development For example, lesson plans are to be discussed in the context of improving instruction and student achievement. How are plans developed and used to be a support tool for effective instruction? For example, lesson plans are to be discussed in the context of improving instruction and student achievement. How are plans developed and used to be a support tool for effective instruction? The observation checklist – what are some examples? How can they be use effectively? The observation checklist – what are some examples? How can they be use effectively? What role does the end of year summative evaluation play in the ed. supervision and teacher development process? What role does the end of year summative evaluation play in the ed. supervision and teacher development process? What role does staff development play in these processes? What role does staff development play in these processes? How would the interviewing and hiring of staff be affected by these models for teacher development and empowerment in the context of educational supervision? How would the interviewing and hiring of staff be affected by these models for teacher development and empowerment in the context of educational supervision? Use and apply some type of visual aid for the presentation of this information. The visuals should help facilitate observer understanding of your content / message. The visual aid should be consistent for each part of your presentation – i.e., power point use, flip chart papers on each topic, etc. Take 15 minutes now to organize yourselves around this assignment

21 Directive Informational Behaviors Chapter 9 Mix up into groups of three Jigsaw the reading of chapter 9 as follows: Page 148 to top of 152 Page 148 to top of 152 Page 152 to top of 154 Page 152 to top of 154 Page 154 to 156 (include the summary) Page 154 to 156 (include the summary) Assign roles for the role play 9.1 on page 155 Conduct the role play, consulting appendix B on page 490 if necessary (class participation grade) Whole class reflective debrief

22 Homework for Next Week (Week of April 25 th ) Read Glickman, Gordon and Gordon Chapter 19, pp. 357-379; Chapter 10 pp. 161-170 Complete the “core course assignment” to conduct a formal teacher observation using the clinical supervisory model as defined in class and in the text. Write your own 5 to 10 page report that includes a description and analysis of the five steps identified in the course syllabus. Conduct research and begin your preparation for the oral report to be done in committee and presented on May 2 nd, our last class. Complete any unfinished and previously assigned homework assignments from earlier weeks.

23 Week Three Course Closure Developmental supervision takes into account the skill level of the teacher and a supervisory behavioral approach which will foster teacher independence Direct assistance to teachers in the form of clinical observations and peer coaching break the isolation of teaching and are core elements in a culture of professional excellence Clinical supervisory observations are support interventions and thus by definition, they are formative Informal observations use performance rubrics based on local or national standards and therefore can be used as summative evaluations of performance vis a vis these criteria Directive informational supervisory behavior is often effectively used in challenging supervisory dilemmas

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