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The Art and Craft of Clinical Supervision, Jay Reeve, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art and Craft of Clinical Supervision, Jay Reeve, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art and Craft of Clinical Supervision, Jay Reeve, PhD

2  Experience  Knowledge Base/Professional Training  Appearance  Affect  Anxiety  Boundary Maintenance  Self reference (low/high)

3  Age  Appearance  Affect and demeanor  Role comfort  Reputation  Knowledge base  Institutional affiliation  Theoretical Orientation

4  What’s the end-goal of the process?  A. For the client.  B. For the supervisee.  C. For the institution.  D. For the field.  E. For the supervisor.

5  Caretaking – Explaining good therapy technique. Intervening proactively to minimize therapist error and distress.  Coaching – Modeling and explaining good therapy technique. Analyzing session notes and tapes to identify therapist positives and negatives.  Structure – Focus on supervisor set agenda, and content of therapy sessions.  Process – Focus on therapist agenda, and parallel process.

6  The 4 quadrant model:

7  Includes: ◦ A. Manualized treatment training ◦ B. Strong didactic component ◦ C. Minimization of parallel process ◦ D. Little room for individual therapist expression ◦ E. Pre-session scripting Good for: A. Novice therapists. B. High anxiety therapists. C. High affect therapists. D. Low Boundary therapists.

8  Includes: ◦ A. Manualized treatment training ◦ B. Medium didactic component ◦ C. Minimization of parallel process ◦ D. Moderate therapist autonomy ◦ E. Post-session coaching Good for: A. Intermediate therapists. B. High anxiety therapists, with experience. C. High affect therapists. D. High self-reference therapists. E. Low Boundary therapists, with experience

9  Includes: ◦ A. Intro to process therapy ◦ B. Medium didactic component ◦ C. Medium attention to parallel process ◦ D. Moderate therapist autonomy ◦ E. Emphasis on role-playing Good for: A. Beginning to intermediate therapists. B. Low to medium anxiety therapists. C. Low to medium affect therapists. D. Low to medium self-reference therapists. E. High Boundary therapists.

10  Includes: ◦ A. Advanced process therapy ◦ B. Low didactic component ◦ C. High attention to parallel process ◦ D. High therapist autonomy ◦ E. Emphasis on use of counter-transference Good for: A. intermediate to advanced therapists. B. Low anxiety therapists. C. Low to medium affect therapists. D. Low self-reference therapists. E. medium to high boundary therapists.

11  1. “You aren’t giving me enough feedback.”  2. “The workload is overwhelming.”  3. “I’ve dealt with this kind of client before”.  4. “That’s not what the latest research says.”  5. “I’m worried about what will happen if I…”

12  1. “My other supervisor says…”  2. “My client is just like my ex/my mother/me.”  3. “Can I discuss a personal issue with you?”  4. “If only my partner were as understanding as you are.”

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