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A Lion to Guard Us Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "A Lion to Guard Us Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Lion to Guard Us Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Colton’s Summary A lion to guard us is about 3 kids who have lost their mom. They want to go to Virginia to see their dad who is at Jamestown. They will voyage from England to Virginia on a huge ship. During the voyage they get shipwrecked on an island. Will they get of the island and see their dad. Read the book to find out!

3 Patrick’s Summary A lion to guard us is about 3 kids whose mom dies and they our trying to get to Jamestown. They are with Dr. Crider on the ship to Jamestown. Dr. Crider falls overboard and they get shipwrecked. Do they get to Jamestown or die on the island. Read the book to find out.

4 Theme Plot Line Major Character Minor Characters 10 20 30 40 50

5 Which of these scenes in the book represent the theme responsibility?
Question Which of these scenes in the book represent the theme responsibility? Once Doctor Crider fell overboard Amanda had to take care of Jemmy and Meg When Amanda would sit at the bed of her dying mother When they had to survive the big storm that got them shipwrecked

6 Answer 1 – 10 A

7 What is the major theme of the book?
Question What is the major theme of the book? Truth Hope Survival Leadership

8 Answer 1 – 20 C

9 What theme does the lion doorknocker represent?
Question What theme does the lion doorknocker represent? Hate Hope Truth Responsibility

10 Answer 1 – 30 B

11 How is the them courage used?
Question How is the them courage used? When they were on the boat and Doctor Crider fell of the boat and they were alone When their doorknocker was stolen When their mother died and they had no mother When they went on the voyage to Jamestown

12 Answer 1 – 40 Both A and D

13 Which of these is not a theme in the book?
Question Which of these is not a theme in the book? Trust Independence Choices Grief

14 Answer 1 – 50 D

15 Question The scene when they get shipwrecked on an island is which part in the plot line? Climax Rising Action Resolution Falling Action

16 Answer 2 – 10 A

17 Question 2 - 20 Which of these are an example of rising action 2?
When she asked for the money When they were at the house When the arrived at Jamestown When they got on the ship

18 Answer 2 – 20 D

19 How is When they get to Jamestown the Resolution?
Question How is When they get to Jamestown the Resolution? It is when they get to see their dad sick and tries to get help Just because it was their goal No reason at all

20 Answer 2 – 30 A

21 Question 2 - 40 What is the Exposition?
In , in Scotland, and in the hut In , in England, and in the Mistresses house In , in England, and in a doctor office In , in Iceland, and in a igloo

22 Answer 2 – 40 B

23 Which of these show falling action the most?
Question Which of these show falling action the most? When they get to Jamestown They build a new ship When they get the doorknocker back When everybody dies on the island

24 Answer 2 – 50 C

25 Question How does Jemmy react when he realizes the door knocker was taken? He goes and gets it back He goes on a rampage destroying everything He just shrugs it off He goes and attacks Amanda

26 Answer 3 – 10 A

27 Question When Amanda chose to go to the docks when she was told not to how did this affect the story? She fell into the water and died It caused Dr. Crider to see her and taker her to his house and she lived with him It caused Cook to get mad at her and she had to go talk to Mistress Trippet and she yelled at him None of the Above

28 Answer 3 – 20 A

29 Question 3 - 30 Meg helps the story by?
She is the sister of Amanda has has to do the journey She is a character She insists that the wait for Jemmy when he goes for the door knocker and then she is relived that Jemmy came back to them

30 Answer 3 – 30 c

31 Question Jemmy is Amanda's brother but how does he help the story? After they get shipwrecked he saves everyone When the doorknocker is stolen he gets it and returns their hope He goes with Amanda and Meg and plays with the kids He gets the doorknocker back and then he tells Amanda he wants to leave and he leaves

32 Answer 3 – 40 B

33 Question Did having more than one main character make an impact on this story? Yes No Maybe

34 Answer 3 – 50 Maybe because with more than one character certain things happen with that character that makes the story change or help it.

35 How does Mistress Trippett fall as a minor character?
Question How does Mistress Trippett fall as a minor character? She is only at the beginning of the book and she did make the kids make certain decisions She is in only one chapter She faints and make her brother kick the kids out None of the Above

36 Answer 4 – 10 A

37 How does Master Water play a key role on the island?
Question How does Master Water play a key role on the island? He runs into the water and drowned He takes the doorknocker and Jemmy goes after him He get lots of food for the people He makes all the homes

38 Answer 4 – 20 B

39 Does cook help lead the characters to make decisions in the story?
Question Does cook help lead the characters to make decisions in the story? Yes No

40 Answer 4 – 30 No

41 Question When James Freebold left, how did this affect the story? He left the kids with their sick mother which lead them to be with Mistress Trippet who worked them very hard He left and the kids became rich and forgot about him This did not affect the story in no way shape or form None of the Above

42 Answer 4 – 40 A

43 Question 4 - 50 How does the mother play a role in the plot line?
She runs away and the kids chase after her When she dies this lead to Amanda asking for the money so she can go to Jamestown and that leads to them being kicked out of the house She dies and Amanda runs and hides so she does not do her work so they get kicked out of the house She dies and Jemmy runs away and then the Mistress gets mad and kicks the rest of them out of the house

44 Answer B

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