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Geometry CP(A) Edition Chapter 6 With Your Host.

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2 Geometry CP(A) Edition Chapter 6

3 With Your Host

4 Team One Team Four Team Three Team Two Scores

5 Where has Polly Gone? 100 200 300 400 500 Living Parallelogram Lives 100 200 300 400 500 That Rectangle is a Real Square 100 200 300 400 500 It’s A Trap!(ezoid) 100 200 300 400 500 Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500

6 $100 Tell whether the figure is a polygon. If it is a polygon, name it by the number of its sides.

7 $100 Yes, nonagon

8 $200 Tell whether the polygon is regular or irregular. Tell whether it is concave or convex.

9 $200 Irregular, Concave

10 $300 Find the sum of the interior angle measures of a convex heptagon.

11 900° $300

12 $400 Find the value of b in polygon FGHJKL.

13 b=3 $400

14 $500 Find the measure of each interior angle of a regular 20-gon.

15 $500 measure of one int.  = 162°

16 $100 In KLMN, LM = 28 in., LN = 26 in., and m  LKN = 74°. Find m  NML.

17 $100 m  NML=74°

18 $200 Determine if each quadrilateral must be a parallelogram. Justify your answer.

19 $200 No, opposite sides are not congruent.

20 $300 EFGH is a parallelogram. Find JG.

21 $300 JG = 12

22 $400 The legs of a keyboard tray are connected by a bolt at their midpoints, which allows the tray to be raised or lowered. Why is PQRS always a parallelogram?

23 The diagonals are always congruent. $400

24 $500 QRST is a parallelogram. Find TS if QR = 5x + 3y

25 TS=84 $500

26 $100 TVWX is a rhombus. Find TV.

27 TV = 7.9 $100

28 $200 Determine if the conclusion is valid. If not, tell what additional information is needed to make it valid. Given: Conclusion: EFGH is a square.

29 Valid $200

30 $300 A woodworker constructs a rectangular picture frame so that JK = 50 cm and JL = 86 cm. Find HM.

31 43 cm $300

32 What is the perimeter of the square (in radical form)? $400

33 Perimeter = 24sqrt(2) $400

34 $500 Determine if the conclusion is valid. If not, tell what additional information is needed to make it valid. Given:  ABC is a right angle. Conclusion: ABCD is a rectangle.

35 $500 Invalid (we do not know it is a parallelogram first)

36 $100 Find m  A.

37 $100 m  A = 80°

38 $200 KB = 21.9m and MF = 32.7m. Find FB.

39 FB = 10.8 m $200

40 $300 Find the value of a so that PQRS is isosceles.

41 a = 9 (or -9… bonus 100 if team put this as a possible answer) $300

42 $400 Find EH.

43 EH = 13 $400

44 $500 Find the value of both variables.

45 y = 10 x = 90 $500

46 $100 Who was the Superbowl MVP?

47 Eli Manning $100

48 What is a group of mice called? $200

49 A mischief $200

50 $300 Name the song with the lyrics “I know you’ve been hurt by someone else/I can tell by the way you carry yourself”

51 Take Care – Drake ft. Rihanna $300

52 $400 What New Jersey college was originally named “Queen’s College”

53 Rutgers University $400

54 $500 What was the last Disney film to be animated completely by hand? (It came out in the late 80s)

55 The Little Mermaid $500


57 Daily Double Answer $800

58 Daily Double Question $800

59 Final Jeopardy Category is Kites Wager an amount!!!!!

60 Lucy is framing a kite with wooden dowels. She uses two dowels that measure 18 cm, one dowel that measures 30 cm, and two dowels that measure 27 cm. To complete the kite, she needs a dowel to place along KL. She has a dowel that is 36 cm long. About how much wood will she have left after cutting the last dowel?

61 About 3.6 cm Wagered Amount !!!

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