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T RANSFORMATION V OCABULARY. Transformation: a mapping or movement of a geometric figure that changes position. Translation: a transformation in which.

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Presentation on theme: "T RANSFORMATION V OCABULARY. Transformation: a mapping or movement of a geometric figure that changes position. Translation: a transformation in which."— Presentation transcript:


2 Transformation: a mapping or movement of a geometric figure that changes position. Translation: a transformation in which a figure is slid in any direction Rotation: a type of transformation in which a figure is turned around a fixed point Reflection: a transformation in which a figure is flipped over a line of symmetry Dilation: a type of transformation in which a figure is proportionately shrunk or stretched

3 Symmetry: a geometric property of a figure in which it can be folded so that each half matches the other exactly or rotated about a point less than 360˚ so that the final image matches the original figure. Line symmetry: a line that divides a figure into two halves that are reflections of each other. Rotational symmetry: a figure that can be turned or rotated less than 360 ° about a fixed point so that the figure looks exactly as it did before being turned.

4 T ERMS A SSOCIATED WITH R OTATIONS Clockwise: in the direction of the rotation of the hands of a clock as viewed from the front or above; circularly to the RIGHT Counterclockwise: in the direction opposite to that of the normal rotation of the hands of a clock; circularly to the LEFT Center of Rotation: the fixed point about which a figure rotates or spins.

5 T ERMS A SSOCIATED WITH D ILATIONS Scale factor: a ratio or rate between the actual size of an object and the size of its model written in simplest form. Corresponding parts of figures: parts of congruent or similar figures that match. Center of Dilation: the fixed point in the plane about which all points are expanded or contracted.

6 Isometric: having equal measurements Image: the position of a figure after a transformation Pre-image: the position of a figure before a transformation Symbols: ~ means similar  means congruent A’ the apostrophe means “copy of” (read as prime)

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