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1 Physics 111 - Mechanics Syllabus, rules, assignments, exams, etc. Prerequisites – Algebra and Trig Co-Requisites – Math 111 iClickers – NO MAKEUP, NO.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Physics 111 - Mechanics Syllabus, rules, assignments, exams, etc. Prerequisites – Algebra and Trig Co-Requisites – Math 111 iClickers – NO MAKEUP, NO."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Physics 111 - Mechanics Syllabus, rules, assignments, exams, etc. Prerequisites – Algebra and Trig Co-Requisites – Math 111 iClickers – NO MAKEUP, NO EXCUSES for forgetting, dead battery, etc. MasteringPhysics Online HW system Grade scale Typical week – Lecture Weds – HW problems assigned Recitation – Fridays – Practice / HW problems HW problems due at 11:30AM on Weds before lecture. Federici will be your instructor for Lectures…. Prof. Russo will handle recitation

2 Physics 111 co-Requisites and Pre- Requisites All Pre-Reqs and Co-Reqs will be enforced with NO EXCEPTIONS Pre-Requisites: Incoming Freshman – If you are placed in Phys 111, you are OK. Others – Math 131, unless you are placed in Math 111 Co-Requisites: All – Math 111 or Math 132, Phys 111A. Co-Reqs are waived if you already have credit for them… eg. Previously took Phys 111A and received a grade of C or higher.

3 You should be aware of the following NJIT and College of Science and Liberal Arts Rules For a sequence of courses in the same discipline (eg. Phys 111/ Phys 121), a grade of C or higher is required to continue in the sequence. ESSENTIALLY, a grade of C or better is needed to pass Phys 111. NJIT Undergraduate Course Repetition Policy - A student may take a single course no more than four times including withdrawals.  If this is your fourth time taking Phys 111 (or previously Phys 105), and you do not pass the course, you will be required to change to a major which does not require Phys 111.

4 How can you prepare yourself to succeed in this course? A B C

5 A B C

6 Online HW Register for “FEDERICI111NJIT14SEC16” Assigned HW –Problems for credit –Problems to help you visualize the physics (mostly movies) – no credit –Based on your submitted HW, and an analysis of which concepts are causing you difficulty, additional OPTIONAL problems are assigned. These optional problems are NOT for credit Use them to help you master the concepts which are not well understood Use them as practice for exams. “ How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” “Practice, Practice, Practice”

7 Iclicker Question #1 Why are you taking this course? A)I wanted to meet Dr. Sheldon Cooper. B)I have to take it for my major. C)It was the only course which fit into my schedule. D)I know Prof. Federici’s reputation… I came to take a nap. E)I really like physics

8 Phys 111 – The Big Picture Why do you need Phys 111 – Mechanics? → It is fundamental to many areas of Science and Engineering Motion of objects – Planetary motion, amusement park rides, collisions. Mechanical/ Civil Engineering – Stability of structures Biological function – Skin versus bone ‘Physics’ engines of video gaming Phys 111 Phys 121 Phys 234 Mechanics Electromagnetics “Modern” Physics Typically ECE and Physics majors

9 Real versus Idealized Model Which of these models is appropriate for a ‘straight’ fastball pitch? What about a curve or knuckleball?

10 Time, Length, mass NOTE: Speed of light in a vacuum DEFINED to be exactly 299,782,458 m/s.

11 Standard Kilogram Atomic Clock

12 Unit Prefixes 1 kilometer = 1km = 10 3 m Kilo → 10 3

13 Iclicker Question #2 What are the units of the quantity F/a where F has units of kg m/s 2 and a has units of m s -2 ? A)m B)s C)kg D)m/s E)kg/s

14 Also, remember to round numbers AFTER multiplying. Eg. 5.452 rounds to 5.45 while 5.457 rounds to 5.46

15 Iclicker Question #3 A doctor needs to inject 1 cm 3 of medicine into a patient. If she wants to inject the medicine in roughly 10 seconds, what should be the approximate size of the needle diameter? A)10 28 m B)10 m C)1 m D)10 -3 m E)10 -9 m

16 Iclicker Question #4 Which of the following are vectors and which are scalars? (a)The temperature outside in Celsius degrees. (b) Directions to get to the train station. (c) The speed limit on the Garden State Parkway. (d)The number of computers used on campus. (e)The exact (physical) location of computers in use on campus A)a, b are vectors, the rest scalars B)b is a vector, the rest scalars C)All are scalars D)All are vectors E)b and e are vectors

17 Adding vectors Add vectors head to tail….

18 Subtracting Vectors

19 Vector Components

20 Pay attention to how angle is measured

21 Scalar and Vector Product

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