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Julius Caesar An Introduction. Julius Caesar, the play Shakespeare wrote the play in 1599 It is a historical tragedy.

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Presentation on theme: "Julius Caesar An Introduction. Julius Caesar, the play Shakespeare wrote the play in 1599 It is a historical tragedy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julius Caesar An Introduction

2 Julius Caesar, the play Shakespeare wrote the play in 1599 It is a historical tragedy

3 Terms to Review: Prologue Soliloquy Aside Pun Tragic Hero

4 New Terms Anachronism – out of place/time objects, customs, beliefs  Shakespeare put in what he knew of his time period because he didn’t have much reliable info. beyond that  Ex. = striking clocks, chimneys, hats, doublers (all Elizabethan time)

5 New Terms Stoicism = the belief that one should master all of his emotions and lead a life of virtue, reason, and duty  Submit to fate, it is going to happen, no good wallowing in it  Which character seems to fit this description?

6 Who Was Julius Caesar? Roman General and Politician (100-44 B.C.)  One of the greatest military leaders in Roman history  Part of the 1 st Triumvirate (ruling body of 3)

7 1 st Triumvirate Pompey = military power Crussus = $ Caesar = brains

8 Julius Caesar gains power Conquers areas of France, Belgium, Egypt, Britain Roman Senate feared that he would try to control the govt. Pompey told him to disband his army and return to Rome as a private citizen; Caesar refused Fought a civil war against his former friend and was victorious in 46 B.C. (Pompey is murdered before Caesar could attack)

9 Opening of the Play Begins on Feb. 15 – Feast of Lupercal Julius Caesar has just returned to Rome after defeating Pompey – his rival for power Flavius and Marullus – tribunes (govt. officials), support Pompey

10 Social Classes Patrician = aristocrats/ruling class Plebian = working class/common folk Tribunes = 2 patricians elected by plebians to vote on their behalf

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