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Palacký University Information System - PORTAL Student’s access to the electronic study records system is made through PORTAL which is Palacký University.

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2 Palacký University Information System - PORTAL Student’s access to the electronic study records system is made through PORTAL which is Palacký University Information System. ( ) To access PORTAL student needs to know his/her Login and password. Login (abreviation of student’s name and surname) can be found on (go to section CONTACTS → select STUDENT → write down student’s surname → press SEARCH) Student’s password is his/her initial Birth certificate number, which was assigned to him/her for the purpose of the registration.

3 Palacký University Information System (PORTAL) is used e.g. for the electronic registration for the subjects/groups or the exams.

4 STUDY AND EXAMINATIONS CODE OF PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY The actual translation of the Study and examinations code applied at Palacký University Olomouc is available in the “white book” (school catalogue) or at the following website link: groups/studying/master- degree-programmes/general-medicine/school-catalogue-white- book/

5 The Course of Studies In the first year of studies a student is obliged to register for all obligatory subjects of the given study program. In the first year a student has to acquire all the credits assigned to subjects that are completed by the examination. Failing to follow these conditions is a reason for the termination of studies. The student must complete the individual subject in the academic year or study unit he/she entered the subject and not later than by the deadline specified in the schedule - 5 September 2012.

6 The student is permitted to make up, during the course of a semester, a maximum of one third of the mandatory instruction under the condition that he or she had been properly excused from the missed classes. The relevance of such an excuse is considered by the responsible teacher. In case the student’s excuse is not accepted by the teacher, the student has a right to ask the head of the respective department to review his/her case.

7 Registration for Examination Dates for the Completion of a Course Registration for the announced examination dates of colloquia and examinations takes place through the electronic study records system (PORTAL). Students may withdraw from an examination date for which they have registered not later than three days before such an examination date.

8 If the student does not appear for the course completion on the date for which he/she has registered or fails to excuse himself or herself to the examiner for reasons of a serious nature within two days of the examination date, the student is considered to have failed to complete the exam.

9 Examinations and retakes Each student may, in a given academic year, make a maximum of three attempts to pass an exam in a subject which he or she has been registered for. In the event that the student has failed the examination, then he/she is entitled to a first retake. Should the student also fail the first retake, then he/she is entitled to a second retake, which is always a board examination, which is named by the Head of the responsible Department.

10 Change of personal data It is important for the School to keep the most up-to- date personal data of its students for registration, communication, certification and other administrative purposes. Therefore, please inform the REGISTRAR as soon as possible for example about changes of your address, your name etc.

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