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Sekvence za krmiljenje tiska. Primer izpisa Understanding Operator Precedence.

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Presentation on theme: "Sekvence za krmiljenje tiska. Primer izpisa Understanding Operator Precedence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sekvence za krmiljenje tiska

2 Primer izpisa


4 Understanding Operator Precedence



7 # To start with, all the measurements will be in cm # Assume that the roll of material is going to be 140cm wide # and that the price per meter will be 5 units of currency roll_width = 140 price_per_metre = 5 # Prompt the user to input the window measurements in cm window_height = input('Enter the height of the window (cm): ') window_width = input('Enter the width of the window (cm): ') # Add a bit for the hems # First we must convert the string into a number # otherwise we will get an error if we try to perform arithmetic on a text string curtain_width = float(window_width) * 0.75 + 20 curtain_length = float(window_height) + 15 # Work out how many widths of cloth will be needed # and figure out the total length of material for each curtain (in cm still) widths = curtain_width / roll_width total_length = curtain_length * widths # Actually there are two curtains, so we must double the amount of material # and then divide by 10 to get the number of meters total_length = (total_length * 2) / 10 # Finally, work out how much it will cost price = total_length * price_per_metre # And print out the result print("You need", total_length, "meters of cloth for ", price)

8 Making Choices

9 Sample







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