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Child observation By Ambreen Anis Nagori. Today we will:  Observation  The observed child  Challenges  Difficulties  Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Child observation By Ambreen Anis Nagori. Today we will:  Observation  The observed child  Challenges  Difficulties  Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child observation By Ambreen Anis Nagori

2 Today we will:  Observation  The observed child  Challenges  Difficulties  Strategies

3 Observation It helps to:  understand children in a better way,  their interests,  development and  learning.

4 Information about the child Name : Halima Age : 6 years and 7 months old Grade : 1 Nature of the challenge:  Cognitive – Language (unable to speak, read, write and comprehend in English).  Social – unable to interact with her peers.

5 Challenge  Does not recognize alphabet in English with their sounds.  Hesitates to interact with her peers and stays quiet.  Unable to express herself in English.  Alphabet were symbols for her, therefore she was unable to join letters together.  Does not take interest in class discussion.  She was sent to the tuition centre.

6 What was challenging for me?  To teach her phonics.  To take her along with the class.  To make her read, write and speak.  Simple naming words in English language to develop her interest and boost her confidence.

7 Difficulties I faced  Halima became absent on the planned observation day.  Telling her parents that Halima’s tutor must be informed by the methodologies followed by the school.  Correcting her every time in front of the class will make her loose confidence.  The tuition centre.

8 Strategies  Discussion with in the class was done in bilingual language i.e. English and Urdu.  Teaching phonics and joining of words  Through role modeling, story telling and read aloud sessions.  Audio and visual aid.  Practice more reading in the class and home.  Future plan is to arrange extra reading classes.

9 Thank you Questions are welcomed.

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