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The “Bronze” Age Mediterranean Region Early Greek Geometric s.

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3 The “Bronze” Age Mediterranean Region

4 Early Greek Geometric s

5 Early Greek Art & Artifacts


7 The Minoan World: mid- 2M B.C.E.

8 Sir Arthur Evans

9 Artist’s Recreation of Knossos

10 Aerial View of Knossos

11 Palace of King Minos – North Entrance

12 Palace of King Minos - Interiors

13 Palace of King Minos – Throne Room

14 Minoan Ladies

15 Minoan Culture - Religion Minoan Priest Minoan Snake Goddess

16 Bull Cult

17 Bull-Jumping Fresco

18 Minoan Trade “Bireme” ship Coast of Crete

19 Minoan Artistic “Motifs”

20 Early Writing System: “Linear A” (Undecipherable) Cannon?


22 The Mycenaean World mid-2M B.C.E.

23 Sir Heinrich Schliemann

24 View of Mycenae archaeological“tell”

25 Aerial View of Mycenae

26 Mycenae Citadel & Reconstuction

27 Approach to the Lion’s Gate

28 Lion’s Gate Entrance

29 Mycenaean Writing System: “Linear B”


31 Bronze Age Enemies: The Trojan War

32 Plan of the City of Troy

33 The Seven “Layers” of Ancient Troy

34 Homer’s Troy (VII)

35 Original Wall of the City

36 Wall of Troy Recreated

37 Dome of King Priam’s Treasury

38 King Priam’s Treasure

39 Sofie Schliemann With King Priam’s Jewelry

40 Mask of Agammemnon


42 Troy Grave Circles

43 The “Trojan Horse”?


45 Migrations in the Aegean Region (DORIANS}

46 Homer, the Great Poet

47 Homer’s Great Epics


49 Greek & Phoenician Colonization: 750-500 BCE

50 Trade Resumes: 6c BCE Amphoras

51 “Iron Age” Trade Routes

52 The Dialects of Ancient Greek

53 The Rise of the Greek Polis Athens NaxosCorinth Syracuse Larissa Eboea

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