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"Women in decision-making and collective bargaining in trade unions- 20 years experience of independent Latvia“. "From Membership to Leadership: Advancing.

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Presentation on theme: ""Women in decision-making and collective bargaining in trade unions- 20 years experience of independent Latvia“. "From Membership to Leadership: Advancing."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Women in decision-making and collective bargaining in trade unions- 20 years experience of independent Latvia“. "From Membership to Leadership: Advancing Women in Trade Unions", Luxembourg, 11-12 March 2010

2 Background I 1990 -Mandatory trade union membership -Collective Bargaining Agreement in every enterprise -Distribution of goods – state subsidies ( apartments, cars, foreign trips, furniture, resorts, spa, etc.) -Top wages for trade union leaders ( majority –men) - No fight for better salaries and working conditions for workers Trade union leader – prestigious position !

3 Background II 1990 -Privatization -Trade unions- “monster of the past” - Huge decrease of membership - New collective bargaining system, no bonuses, no state subsidies -Fight for keeping existing trade unions, establishing of new ones -Wages for trade union leaders – average or below (more women) Trade union leader – still prestigious position ?

4 Present Situation Women in trade union leadership in Latvia – never a challenge In general, women in Latvia are economically and socially active -Women in trade unions – 64% -Women in Congress – 63% - Women in General Council – 52,3% -Women in Steering Committee – 33% -LBAS leaders: 1 woman out of 3 (1st Vice President) -LBAS affiliated trade unions leaders – 33%

5 -Women shop-stewards at company/enterprise level – 85% -Women specialists in LBAS office – 60% -5 regional coordinators – 3 women -Women negotiation team leaders at sectoral and local level – 70% Two largest unions: - Health and Social Care Employees Union - 87% - Teachers and Science Employees Union – 85% Present Situation

6 Present Situation- LBAS Concern 1. In “women- unions” they would like men in trade union highest decision-making bodies to be elected (women solidarity?) 2. Young women do not want to join trade unions, do not want to get to the leadership position 3. How to involve more women in leadership positions in male dominated trade unions? 4. How to keep the existing level of women in leadership ( average age of trade union leaders over 50) ? 5. How to improve trade union image?

7 LBAS Activities ESP Framework of Actions on Gender Equality – excellent tool to promote gender equality at all levels: - Guidelines “Collective Bargaining Agreement in Every Enterprise”- 2007 1 st edition, 2009 – 2 nd edition (General recommendations what has to be provided by CBA: ensuring of gender equality principle in CBA (planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, work-life balance, training, decision making, anti-discrimination policy should be observed based on gender etc.) Guidelines cover all sectors “Role of Collective Bargaining Agreement in Legal Labour Relations”- 2009 ESF projects on capacity building of trade unions (seminars, conferences, broadcastings, trade union newspapers, campaigns in schools)

8 Guidelines “Collective Bargaining Agreement in Every Enterprise”- 2007

9 Conclusions We need more: 1.Special activities for women/young women to raise their interest in trade union work 2.Special activities/training on collective bargaining 3.Special activities to motivate women to leadership positions 4.Better image of trade unions in society

10 Thank you for the attention! Ariadna Abeltina Coordinator of Foreign Affairs Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS)

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