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Examining findings from a research study Questioning its implications Individual and Organizational Causes of Discrimination.

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Presentation on theme: "Examining findings from a research study Questioning its implications Individual and Organizational Causes of Discrimination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examining findings from a research study Questioning its implications Individual and Organizational Causes of Discrimination

2 Unequal treatment or behavior toward members of different groups (Stephan & Stephan 02) Definition of discrimination

3 Differences in –Income –Percent in management & senior executive ranks –Recruiting & retention rates –Hiring rates, performance ratings, promotion rates Via differential access to social networks, mentoring, training –Percent allocated to same-race supervisors See also Dear White boss –Self-reported discrimination –Satisfaction Bystander reports See also Human Rights doc Measures of discrimination

4 Rating of Black applicants’ qualifications Number Black applicants hired Discrimination Measures used by Brief et al

5 Organizational Directives Discrimination One Organizational Factor: Brief et al Study 1

6 Hypothesis (H): Do all comply with directives? Finding (F): Yes –Those who received business justification not to hire Black candidates rated Black candidates lower than those who did not receive such justifications Study 1


8 Organizations provide employees with much needed resources Employees believe person-organization ‘fit’ arguments –Cohesiveness leads to better functioning –Clients prefer employees of a certain kind Why do all employees comply w/directives?

9 Organizational Directives Discrimination Brief et al Study 1

10 Stereotype Prejudice Discrimination Stephan & Stephan 02 model tested by Brief et al Study 2 & 3 An individual factor: Brief et al Study 2&3

11 Negative attitudes Stephan & Stephan 02 –Evaluations & feelings E.g., Evaluations: They are bad… Feelings: I hate.. Traditional definition of prejudice

12 Positive + negative feelings E.g., sympathy & aversion Negative feelings + value equality Negative feelings+ perceived value differences E.g., in self-reliance Contemporary manifestations of Prejudice Adding to traditional definitions… New Prejudice Stephan & Stephan 02

13 Endorse equal opportunity values but oppose equal opportunity policies Believe that… Blacks do not value self-reliance, self discipline Racial discrimination no longer exists Blatant racism is bad Blacks have moved too fast Discriminate when justified E.g., employee-customer match, employee-organization fit A type of New Prejudice: New Racism

14 Modern Racism scale previously validated in other research –Learning Check (from Research Methods): What does it mean to be validated? What does it mean to be reliable? What is the relation between reliability & validity Example items –Discrimination against Blacks is no longer a problem –Blacks age getting too demanding in their push for equal rights –Over the past few years, Blacks have gotten more economically than they deserve One measure of new racism

15 Organizational Directives Prejudice Discrimination Individual & Organizational Causes Brief et al Study 2 & 3

16 Non-racists comply even if it conflicts with personal values because they feel obliged to obey authority New racists comply because it confirms their attitudes and justifies their discriminatory behavior Is acting in line w/own beliefs stronger than obeying authority? Why do new racists discriminate more?

17 H: Do new racists comply more with directives? F: Yes, –New racists selected fewer Blacks when they received business reasons not to hire Blacks when compared to those who were non-racists and those who did not receive justifications Study 2


19 Disperse authority E.g., Immediate line manager & HR are responsible for personnel decisions (see also Cox) Re-define loyalty of subordinates Encourage questioning of orders Encourage dialogue on how to articulate doubts & respond to troublesome orders Create norm of openness Implications: Implement Principle Disobedience

20 “Fit” justifications for hiring should –Not be used or –If “fit” is a bona-fide occupational requirement, then it dimensions of fit be clearly articulated Job-person fit Person-organization Implications: Establish clear selection criteria? Gladwell New Yorker Article suggests this is not a good strategy

21 Scores on College entrance exam board/SAT Indicators of personal, academic, extracurricular, athletic excellence –Reference letters –Personal essays demonstrating leadership aptitude –List of extra curricular activities –Emissaries’ ratings of character –Indicators of background & breeding Speech, dress, deportment, physical appearance Gladwell article Changing criteria for admission

22 Success DURING college (e.g., law students) Success AFTER college (e.g., lawyers) –Personal inner force, personality, athletic ability, social skills, motivation in addition to academic achievement Be good graduates –Be Generous & loyal as alumni Changing criteria for admission Gladwell article

23 Are they measured well? –Not as well as academic achievement Validity of admission criteria

24 Ability to predict salary –Those admitted into both types of schools but chose non-ivy League schools earned the same as those who chose Ivy-league schools –Male athletes with lower SAT scores earn more than peers Choice of job: high paying financial services Personality traits competitiveness, determination, outgoingness, team player confidence: measurement issues Validity of admission criteria

25 Ability to predict job performance –LSATs don’t predict lawyer success Restriction of range on LSAT scores reduces correlation LSAT only measure some of the skills needed to become a successful lawyer Validity of admission criteria

26 Establishing clear criteria is not sufficient Establishing valid criteria is not sufficient if they result in ‘adverse’ impact –Legal requirement is that if it has adverse impact it should be a job requirement (i.e. valid) Conclusions from Gladwell article

27 Individuals and organizations can cause discrimination –Individual=prejudicial attitudes –Organizational Ability to extract compliance from employees, Ability to determine & validate criteria for ‘fit’ Final Conclusions

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