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Ian Govier Facilitator Croeso Welcome Workforce Development Team Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Ian Govier Facilitator Croeso Welcome Workforce Development Team Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ian Govier Facilitator Croeso Welcome Workforce Development Team Workshop

2 Ian Govier Facilitator

3 opportunitynowhere

4 9.30amWelcome 9.35Celebrating success Stephen Griffiths - Director, Workforce Development, NLIAH & looking to the future 9.50What’s in my suitcase? + workshop aims & expectations 10.25Workforce Development Team – making the links (Group work & feedback) 11.10 BREAK 11.30Workforce Development Team – making the links contd. (Group work & feedback) 12.30pm LUNCH TIME 1.15Post-lunch activity 1.40Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - a practical framework for personal and team development 3.00Reflection and evaluation 3.30Finish and home

5 Celebrating Success & Looking to the Future Stephen Griffiths Director Workforce Development, NLIAH

6 What’s in my suitcase? Name & Role at NLIAH Favourite holiday destination Favourite piece of music / song Claim to fame What I want to achieve or change as a result of today’s workshop

7 What do I / we want to ACHIEVE or CHANGE as a result of this workshop?

8 The one indisputable fact that characterises organisational life, is that CHANGE is inevitable. (Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe, 2005)


10 Choice



13 What will we as a team do differently as a result of today’s workshop?

14 Making the Links


16 What are the benefits of improving linkages within the workforce development team? What are we doing already that demonstrates linkage within the workforce development team? What else do we need to do to increase linkage within the workforce development team? How will we achieve increased linkage within the workforce development team?

17 What will be the first piece of evidence that demonstrates increased linkage within the Workforce Development Team?


19 Making the Links

20 What are the benefits of improving linkages between the workforce development team and other NLIAH teams? What are we doing already that demonstrates linkage between the workforce development team and other NLIAH teams? What else do we need to do to increase linkage between the workforce development team and other NLIAH teams? How will we achieve increased linkage between the workforce development team and other NLIAH teams?

21 What will be the first piece of evidence that demonstrates increased linkage between the Workforce Development Team and other NLIAH teams?

22 Lunch Time

23 The Habits of Highly Effective People The Habits of Highly Effective People - a brief overview


25 Creating a Paradigm Shift

26 “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” A New Level of Thinking (Paradigm)

27 Skills (how to) Desire (want to) Knowledge (what to, why to) HABITS

28 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

29 The Maturity Continuum Dependence - the paradigm of “you”Dependence - the paradigm of “you” Independence - the paradigm of “I”Independence - the paradigm of “I” Interdependence - the paradigm of “we”Interdependence - the paradigm of “we” Dependence Independence Interdependence

30 Between what happens to us and our response to it…. … our freedom to choose our response

31 "We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing : the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstance - to choose one’s own way. Life holds a potential meaning under any conditions, even the most miserable ones.”

32 Emotional Bank Account Understanding the individualUnderstanding the individual Attending to the little thingsAttending to the little things Keeping commitmentsKeeping commitments Clarifying expectationsClarifying expectations Showing personal integrityShowing personal integrity Apologising sincerely when you make a withdrawalApologising sincerely when you make a withdrawal

33 The Private Victory The Public Victory Renewal


35 Be Proactive Be aware of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, blind spots, motivations - and be proactive in finding out as much as you can about yourself. Then be proactive in applying that knowledge to your relations with others. Habit 1

36 Reactive Language Proactive Language

37 Begin with the End in Mind In summary, create and live by a personal mission statement. This may lead onto more specific goals and objectives, but the idea is that you try to live as the sort of person you'd like to be remembered for when you've passed on. Habit 2

38 Put First Things First Define what it is that really matters in your life, then spend your time on those important things. Do you ever find yourself in the ‘thick of thin things’? Rather than spreading our time thinly across too many activities, concentrate on doing a few things well. Habit 3

39 Think ‘Win-Win’ In all your dealings with others, aim for each little negotiation to provide success (a win) for both sides. Habit 4

40 Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood Put another way, "We have two ears and one mouth, and they should be used in that proportion." In your communications, be sure you know the other person's point of view before you start expounding your own ideas. Habit 5

41 When people who are not used to speaking are heard by people who are not used to listening, then real change occurs.

42 Synergise Look for ways to take your ideas and other people's ideas and build on them together, on the basis that the outcome will be something greater than the sum of the inputs. Habit 6

43 Sharpen the Saw The seventh habit that makes all the other six last! Sharpening the saw is about renewing yourself - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Habit 7


45 “That which we persist in doing becomes easier - - not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do has increased.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

46 Am I willing to pay the price?

47 Final Thoughts


49 “If you want to see change… …be the change you want to see”

50 …what am I going to do differently after today?


52 Thank You Diolch

53 Workforce Development Team Workshop Ian Govier Facilitator

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