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BRING IT Thriving in the Sea of Change Emily Bennington Work+Space Conscious Career Design

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Presentation on theme: "BRING IT Thriving in the Sea of Change Emily Bennington Work+Space Conscious Career Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 BRING IT Thriving in the Sea of Change Emily Bennington Work+Space Conscious Career Design

2 Today you’re going to learn how to take your power back. Top three reasons we react to life and work challenges. The radically effective (but counterintuitive) way to respond to any challenge with composure. Two things needed to develop the “changeless core” needed for leadership and five things that block it.

3 What would it look like to handle change well?

4 Unfortunately, most of us go through the day like this.



7 Prefrontal cortex (the boss) Left Brain (logic) Right Brain (emotion)

8 What if you’re only bringing 50% of your best thinking to your biggest work and life challenges?


10 Experience Select Data Add Meaning Draw Conclusions Take Action Ladder of Inference


12 Experience Select Data Add Meaning Draw Conclusions Take Action Ladder of Inference Interrupting the story.



15 1. Reduce your speed. 2. Increase your awareness. The Counterintuitive Response

16 NO AWARENESSAWARENESS “I’m angry.”“I’m noticing feelings of anger.”

17 Stimulus Response This is where your choice (i.e. your POWER) lives.

18 The way to handle change is to focus on things that don’t change. 1. Values. 2. Connection.

19 On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your ability to connect with others?

20 #1 Distracted Listening If I had a dollar for every time I got distracted, I wish I had some ice cream.

21 #2 You think you already know.

22 #3 You Don’t Care

23 #3 Just the facts.

24 Tell me about an amazing experience you’ve had in your life.

25 #4 You’re Hijacking

26 True Connection Here’s what you’re listening for: Values Emotion Data

27 Tell me about an amazing experience you’ve had in your life.

28 The easiest thing to do during difficult conversations is to shut down and / or walk away. (This is also the least helpful.)

29 “People cannot handle change until there’s a changeless core inside of them.” - Stephen Covey

30 What would ____________ do right now?

31 Taking your power back. Top three reasons we react to life and work challenges. 1. Fight or flight 2. We get stuck on the ladder 3. We project what we reject. The radically effective (but counterintuitive) way to respond to any challenge with composure. 1. Reduce your speed. 2. Detach from your thoughts. The two focus areas for a “changeless core”. 1.Values. 2.Connection.

32 Every interaction is a touchpoint.

33 The sum total of your touchpoints = YOUR REPUTATION

34 Your Reputation = Your Opportunities

35 The test of truth.

36 n @EmilyBennington m

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