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Presentation by : Corinne Stewart, AgroSup Dijon, France Sustainable development at the heart of a new approach: Innovation in teaching in life sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by : Corinne Stewart, AgroSup Dijon, France Sustainable development at the heart of a new approach: Innovation in teaching in life sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by : Corinne Stewart, AgroSup Dijon, France Sustainable development at the heart of a new approach: Innovation in teaching in life sciences in Europe

2 In the beginning a Tempus III project (2007-2009), coordinated by AgroSup Dijon (formerly ENESAD) resulted in the publication of a manual on sustainable development « Introduction of the concept of sustainable development in the training of agricultural specialists » Study cases from a Franco-Czech-Ukrainian consortium : - Bila Tsverkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine; - Kirovograd National Technical University, Ukraine; - Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague; - AgroSup Dijon

3 Later the creation of the “ISLE” network 39 institutions from 30 different countries interested in introducing the concept of Sustainable Development in their curricula and in the management of their institutions by sharing and exchanging know how and good practices between each other. Necessity to build and strengthen cooperation between HEI’s and civil society / companies Project over 3 years (2010-3013)

4 The Consortium


6 Transfer between Professors, Researchers and Students Teaching the concept of Sustainable Development using an integrated and transversal approach; Adjusting curricula is necessary; Simultaneously inventing new ways to address the various disciplines. Input of the project : State of the Art at a European level; Compilation of a first best practices compendium.

7 Transfer between HEI’s, Entreprises and Civil Society I.S.L.E network is at the heart of this issue and proposes to provide innovative solutions in order to : reply to the work market demand, meet with the needs of companies seeking solutions related to sustainable development; exploit cross-fertilization to identify the needs linked with Sustainable Development by setting up a "Professionalization Fair" in Lisbon in November 2011

8 HEI's play already a crucial role, especially at local level, when it comes to establishing synergies with enterprises A few examples: "EcoTroFood” project : helps SMEs wishing to participate in the development and marketing of projects awarded by ECOTROPHELIA, at national and European level; "Qualivivant” programme : a R&D project lead by Vitagora, a cluster based in Dijon, dedicated to taste, nutrition and health;

9 Importance of collective structures ISLE network or HEI’s - highlight the need for collective decisions - offer their knowledge and support Through special programmes like "RUDECO" Tempus IV project (Vocational Training in Rural Development and Ecology) :led by the University of Hohenheim (training): Through cross-fertilization strategies to support the setting up of legal packages : (public policies) (ex : Michèle Rivasi, MEP and Aurélien Boutaud, Consultant in SD).

10 Importance of collective structures …… Third pillar of SD. Through programmes which address the sociology of organization : “Master ACTERRA” This specialised Master degree lead by AgroParisTech in partnership with AgroSup Dijon and accredited by the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, has two options : “Engineering sustainable development of territories” “Agricultural policy and rural development”.

11 Conclusion Today, HEI's can and must play their role in encouraging and promoting good practices for sustainable development : they must work with entrepreneurs and elected people, encouraging them to upgrade, supporting them, each staying aware of its responsibility; A tool which can help to achieve this challenge in Europe and in the world : the new ISO 26000 standard: ISO 26000 provides guidelines for any organization seeking to assume responsibility for the impacts of its decisions and activities. It defines social responsibility = a levier for progress.

12 Medical University Plovdiv

13 If you would like more information… Corinne Stewart European and International Relations AgroSup Dijon BP 87999 21079 Dijon cedex France tel: +33 (0) 380 772 542 fax: +33 (0) 380 772 390

14 danke, thank you, gràcies, 谢谢, tak, gracias, merci, شكرا, gràcies, köszönöm, grazi, ありが とう, dank, mercé, obrigado, спасибо, tack, grâce, תוד, kiitos, ďakujem, mulţumesc, ευχαριστώ, takk.

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