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DST status Ready for production Analysis of sample ksl DST’s in progress for ~1 week ksl DST event size: 2.8 MB/nb -1 560 GB for 200 pb -1 Other streams.

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Presentation on theme: "DST status Ready for production Analysis of sample ksl DST’s in progress for ~1 week ksl DST event size: 2.8 MB/nb -1 560 GB for 200 pb -1 Other streams."— Presentation transcript:

1 DST status Ready for production Analysis of sample ksl DST’s in progress for ~1 week ksl DST event size: 2.8 MB/nb -1 560 GB for 200 pb -1 Other streams for which DST’s can be produced: rad? (question about mmg events) rpi? Proposal: Begin DST production immediately A few tens of pb -1 by end of week Ask people to begin looking before Christmas

2 DST details LRID, EVCLEvent headers T0GLGlobal t 0 TDSTTrigger summary CTRGSector-to-cluster CSPSCalorimeter hits CPLS, CLLSCalorimeter clusters QCAE, QWRKQCAL hits DCNHDC hit counts DTFSFitted tracks DVFSFitted vertices TCLOTrack-to-cluster ECLS, ECLOEvent classification KNVO, VNVO, INVONeutral vertices DST bank list Sample.uic file (ksl) use/path=1 usedtdb eclsfilt/par=1 emcdbini clurec clufixene emcsmooth t0_find/par=1 clufixtim/par=1 clu2trig trclmod t0_find/par=2 clufixtim/par=2 eclmod/par=2 use/path=2 hmake/par=4 eclsfilt/par=2 hmake/par=1 emcdbini clurec clufixene emcsmooth t0_find/par=1 clufixtim/par=1 clu2trig trclmod track_dst trig_dst hmake/par=5 Database interface KSTAG rejection Calorimeter reconstruction Diagnostic histograms t0 Step 1/ECL for KLTAG Bank list adjustment

3 Reconstruction desiderata (?) SELCOS, SPLASHFILT problemsAffect DBV =10 Updated EmC calibrationsAffect DBV <11 EMCSMOOTHBanks available for DBV <11? Data volumeAll DBV KLCRASH TCA cutProblem in DBV 10, 11 Beta cutToo tight in DBV 8, 9 rad stream mmg eventsAll DBV (cut released now) neutral filterRewritten for DBV 11 ksl stream K L  p 0 p 0, K L  gg tags DBV < 11 K S  p + p - p 0 tagAll DBV (just added) Luminosity, statistics Reject EVCL bits (DC, calorimeter trips, etc.)

4 2001 data sets and datarec versions DBVpb -1 %MEvts%Dates 811.06.3213111.82/3-30/4 917.910.2232712.94/6-30/6 1081.646.5889949.211/6-31/10 1159.734.0408522.631/10-7/12 None5.33.06553.617/2-9/12

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