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How to Tune a Cello Erik Hunsicker English 393 Spring 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Tune a Cello Erik Hunsicker English 393 Spring 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Tune a Cello Erik Hunsicker English 393 Spring 2010

2 Introduction Basic cello anatomy What you will need Safety

3 Basic Cello Anatomy Scroll Tuning pegs Finger Board Strings Bridge Fine Tuners Tail Piece End Stop

4 What You Will Need Cello Cello Bow Rosin Tuner

5 Safety Do not over tighten the bow. Do not over tighten the strings. Be gentle with the bridge.

6 Setting Up 1. Have the cello and bow out of their cases and have the tuner ready.

7 Setting Up 2. Tighten the bow by rotating the silver tightener clockwise until the horsehair is approximately a pinky’s width away from the main part of the bow. Tightener Horsehair Main Part of Bow

8 Setting Up 3. Apply rosin to the bow by repeatedly rubbing it with light pressure against the entire length of the horsehair. Use short, back-and-forth strokes, gradually progressing down the length of the bow.

9 Tuning the Cello

10 1. Turn on the tuner and, if necessary, set it to measure the “C” string.

11 Tuning the Cello 2. Pluck or play the “C” string and use the reading on the tuner to see how out of tune the “C” string is. This is the “C” string.

12 Tuning the Cello 3. Turn the tuning peg that is attached to the “C” string to get the string relatively in tune, as indicated by the tuner. - If the string is almost in tune before this step, skip this step. This is the tuning peg for the “C” string.

13 Tuning the Cello 4. Use the fine tuner attached to the “C” string to get the string exactly in tune, as indicated by the tuner. This is the fine tuner for the “C” string.

14 Tuning the Cello 5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the “G”, “D”, and “A” strings. This is the “A” string. This is the “D” string. This is the “G” string.

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