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Time and Place Charles Stanush. What’s happening during this era? Sweden-The Great Gustavus Adolphus is King at this time and was renowned as one of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Time and Place Charles Stanush. What’s happening during this era? Sweden-The Great Gustavus Adolphus is King at this time and was renowned as one of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time and Place Charles Stanush

2 What’s happening during this era? Sweden-The Great Gustavus Adolphus is King at this time and was renowned as one of the greatest military leaders of all time.

3 Continued Louis XIV was King of France from 1643 to 1715, he is the longest documented monarch in European history.

4 Wars England is at war with France in a conflict known as The War of the Spanish Succession.

5 Continued… Several countries were involved in one of the most destructive conflicts in European history, The Thirty Years War, which resulted in the decline of the Catholic church.

6 Music In previous musical eras, music consisted of a single melody, or several melodies played simultaneously. Not until the Baroque Period did the concept of “melody” and “harmony” begin to truly be used.

7 Who its written for In previous eras concerts were usually reserved for the wealthy nobles. During the Baroque era concerts were made more public and were held for large audiences of people from all classes.

8 Influences of the music During this time there was a revolution in the Catholic church, causing more performers to freely express their talents. As a massive war raged throughout Europe these composers styled their music more fast paced and up-tempo steering away from the slow church styles.

9 Popular Instruments While most solo concertos were written for violin, trumpet concertos were also popular, and concertos were also composed for cello, oboe, flute, organ and bassoon.

10 Music Vocal- Operas, Oratorios, and Cantatas were primarily accompanied by orchestras with most singers singing together harmoniously. Instrumental- Sonatas, Concertos, and Suites were involving several instruments playing together in harmony however Concertos involved a soloist playing with an ensemble.

11 Sources Information. War

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