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7B Unit 7 Abilities Grammar. Enjoy an English song I can speak English. I can read it too. I can write in English. And so can you! We can speak English.

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Presentation on theme: "7B Unit 7 Abilities Grammar. Enjoy an English song I can speak English. I can read it too. I can write in English. And so can you! We can speak English."— Presentation transcript:

1 7B Unit 7 Abilities Grammar

2 Enjoy an English song I can speak English. I can read it too. I can write in English. And so can you! We can speak English. We can read it too. We can write in English. And so can you!

3 Phrases in the text. an 80-year-old lady hear someone shouting rush into the kitchen be in hospital be careful with fire hurt someone with fire stop sb. /sth. from doing sth. 一个八十岁的老太太 听到某人在大喊 冲进厨房 住院 当心火 因火而伤着某人 阻止某人 / 某物做某事

4 How amazing! The dog can moke. smoke

5 take an X-ray

6 a camera — By the way, may I borrow your camera? 顺便问一下 — No problem. 没问题。

7 Leading Do you know the following outdoor activities?

8 ride a bike I could not / couldn’t ride a bike before. But now I can ride a bike.

9 play tennis He could not play tennis before. But now he can play tennis.

10 fly a kite / kites They could not fly kites before. But now they can do it.

11 swim I could not swim before. But I can swim now.

12 ski... could not... now... can...

13 skate... could not... now... can...

14 A: Can you play basketball now? B: Yes, I can. A: Could you play basketball a year ago? B: No, I couldn’t. Task1: Making dialogues

15 Task2: Learning by yourself We use can and could to talk about ability. We use can to talk about present ability. ( 表示现在的能力 ) We use could to talk about ability in the past. ( 表示过去的能力 )

16 Using ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’ and to talk about permission 1. can 与 could can 常用于口语中,表示非正式的请求, 请求对象一般是家人或朋友。 e.g.  — Can I borrow your bike, Simon? 西蒙, 我可以借一下你的自行车吗? — Of course. 当然可以。

17  — Can I have some milk, Mum? 妈妈,我可以喝点牛奶吗? — Yes, you can. 好的。 could 是 can 的过去式。在口语中, could 常用来代替 can 向对方更委婉地提出请 求,用法上比 can 正式,可以用于向老 师或长辈提出请求,这时 could 不表示 过去,回答一般还是用 can 。

18 以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习 对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解, 下面就让我们根据 之前练习的考察情 况进一步选择讲解 该语法项的重难点。

19 Using can / could to talk about ability Task3: Having a try

20 I can ____ _ ____. ride a bike Look and say What can you do?

21 I can ____ _________. play basketball What can you do?

22 He ___ ____ the cello ( 大提琴 ). can play What can he do? [ ˈ t ʃ elə ʊ ]

23 He can __ ________ every day. do exercises What can Li Ming do?

24 ___ ___ fly a kite on the beach. What ____ she do? can She can

25 Can you make the dialogue for us? Could you open the window? May I use your English book? Task4 Learning by yourself We use can, could and may to ask for permission. ( 表示请求) Could sounds more polite than can. May is formal. (could 比 can 更委婉, may 常用于正式场合 )

26 Task5:Finishing exercises on page 85

27 How clever you are!

28 Task6 Learning by yourself Sentences from this unit: 1. How cool! 2. What a brave young man! 3. How brave you are! 4. How clever! 5. How brave he is!

29 What beautiful flowers! The flowers are very beautiful. Some more sentences

30 The cat is very lovely. What a lovely cat!

31 The girl is very pretty. What a pretty girl!

32 What beautiful flowers! What a lovely cat! What a pretty girl! What+(a/an)+adj.+noun!

33 What a beautiful bird! Task7: Describe the pictures How beautiful (this bird is)!

34 What beautiful flowers (they are)! How beautiful (these flowers are)!

35 How tall (the man is)! What a tall man (he is)!

36 What a big pumpkin (it is)! How big (the pumpkin is)!

37 How beautiful these flowers are! How beautiful (this bird is)! How tall (the man is)! How big (the pumpkin is)! How+adj.!

38 Task8: Finishing exercises on page 86

39 1. Lucy can play the piano. ( 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 ) ___________________________ 2. Mike can swim. ( 改为否定句 ) ___________________________ I. 句型转换 Can Lucy play the piano? Yes, she can. Mike can’t swim. Task9: Doing more exercises

40 3. Can you play chess? ( 否定回答 ) ____________. 4. They can speak English. ( 变为否定句 ) They _____ ______ English. 5. It is an interesting book. ( 变成感叹句 ) ______ an interesting book! How ___________ the book is! No, I can’t can’t speak What interesting

41 II. 翻译句子 1. - 比尔会弹钢琴吗? - 是的,他会,但是他不会唱歌。 2. - 她会唱歌吗? - 不,她不会,但是她会跳舞。 - Can Bill play the piano? - Yes, he can, but he can’t sing. - Can she sing? - No, she can’t, but she can dance.

42 3. 去年他不会划船,但现在他能划得 很好。 4. 年轻人能为老年人做很多事情。 He couldn’t row a boat last year, but now he can do it well. Young people can do many things for the old people. 5. 多么勇敢的年轻人啊! What a brave young man!

43 6. 太棒了。 How wonderful! 7. 这个电视节目真是有趣啊! What a funny TV programme it is! 8. 上个月他还不会滑雪,但是现在他 学会了。 He couldn’t ski last month, but he can now.

44 1. — I hear you’ve got a new iPhone 4S. ______ I have a look? — Yes, certainly. (2012 江苏苏州 ) A. May B. Do C. Shall D. Should III. 选择正确的答案

45 2. ______ you dance? We need some more actors for the talent show. (2012 山东枣庄 ) A. Need B. Shall C. Must D. Can 3. Last year I ______ drive. I used to take the bus. (2012 江西 ) A. could B. couldn’t C. should D. shouldn’t

46 4. — ______ I try on those shoes in the window? — ______. They are just on show. (2012 呼和浩特 ) A. Could; Yes, you can B. Can; Sorry, you couldn’t C. Could; Sorry, you can’t D. Can; Yes, you could

47 5. “______ delicious the ice cream is! Could you give me one more?” “Sure.” (2012 贵州贵阳 ) A. What B. How C. What a 6. ______ an exciting basketball match! Miami Heat beat New York Knicks at last. (2012 湖北黄石 ) A. How B. What C. That D. So

48 7. Woo! ______ beautiful Changde is! (2012 湖南常德 ) A. How B. What C. What a 8. ______ nice the ice cream looks! I can’t wait to taste it. (2012 江苏淮安 ) A. How a B. How C. What a D. What

49 9. ______ excellent basketball player Jeremy Lin ( 林书豪 ) is! I really love this talented guy. (2012 山东东营 ) A. How B. What C. How a D. What an 10. — ______ fine day! Shall we go for a walk? — That sounds great! (2012 湖北襄阳 ) A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

50 Homework 1. Make sentences with ‘can, could or may’, ‘What …! How …!’ 2. Do exercises on Workbook.

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