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Biology: A Molecular Approach, Laboratory Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Biology: A Molecular Approach, Laboratory Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology: A Molecular Approach, Laboratory Welcome!

2 Today’s Plan Orientation Laboratory Notebooks The Scientific Method Controlled Experiments


4 Introductions - Instructors Dr. Jackie Crisman Lecture Dr. Ellen Lehning Lab Dr. Susan Greenwood Laboratory Technician

5 Introductions - Students Name Why you are in this class Any thing else you’d like to tell us

6 Introductions - Biotechnology Use a marker to put your name on a name tag Count-off from 1 to 7 All 1s, 2s, 3s, etc. get into a group As a group, answer the following question: What is biotechnology? Pick someone to be your spokesperson I’ll call on each group’s spokesperson to share their answer

7 Our Focuses Research, research, research! Technique, technique, technique! Control, control, control! Professional but fun!

8 Syllabus and Tentative Schedule

9 Laboratory Safety Contract Read the handout on Laboratory Safety Tear-off the bottom strip, sign, and turn-in the Laboratory Safety Contract Note the location of the following safety equipment Glass waste, Fire extinguishers, Eyewashes, First aid kit, Exits, Phone

10 Laboratory Supplies We are supplying you with: Lab coats Lab safety glasses Gloves Lab notebooks All handouts You need to bring a calculator

11 Professional Conduct Read through the Professional Conduct Rubric


13 Laboratory Notebook Preparation You will work in your groups for the rest of the semester You will fillout your laboratory notebook together as a group Read the handout on Laboratory Notebook Preparation Read the Lab Notebook Rubric Get the front of your notebook, title page, and table of contents setup Use the PCR example provided as a reference for the rest of the semester



16 What is already known? Hypothesize Design Experiment to Test Hypothesis Run Experiment and Collect Data Analyze and Interpret Data Firm Up or Revise Hypothesis The Scientific Method Funding Communicate


18 Controlled Experiments  All samples handled as nearly as humanly possible exactly the same way  Use positive controls to eliminate false negatives  Use negative controls to eliminate false positives  Ensures results are true!

19 Controlled Experiments  Read the “Bad Boys” handout  Answer the following questions?  What DNA samples were collected and analyzed?  Why were they collected and analyzed?  I am randomly going to call on one group and one member of that group to answer these questions

20 Controlled Experiments  Get out the Using Controls in an Experiment handout  Work through problems 3 – 7  I am randomly going to call on one group and one member of that group to answer these questions

21 To Print Syllabus Tentative Schedule Laboratory Safety Contract Professional Conduct Rubric Lab Notebook Preparation Lab Notebook Rubric PCR notebook example How to Design a Properly Controlled Experiment Practice with Controls To Collect Name tags/Markers Lab books Chime and selector

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