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Ed.Ho.C – Educational Holiday Centres Experimentation Phase Romania February – June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Ed.Ho.C – Educational Holiday Centres Experimentation Phase Romania February – June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ed.Ho.C – Educational Holiday Centres Experimentation Phase Romania February – June 2014

2 Revision and innovation of Chance for Life Vodafone Scholarship - educational holiday centre model

3 Structure Valorising the potentialities of the centre, of the surroundings Carturesti bookstore in AFI Cotroceni: reading workshop (8th may 2014) 1km Plaza Romania: the film Rio 2 (10th april 2014) 500 m

4 -respect for the environment: select the garbage, recycle the paper and actively participate in activities meant to promote sustainability. - a healthy living style, responsible consuming and an active involvement.

5 Competencies  Selection of volunteers procedure: Launching the call for volunteering Establishing a preliminary meeting Training offered by Chance for Life Signing the contract Actually working with the beneficiaries  The Training 19-20 March 2014: children’s characteristics and needs, according to their age methods of non-formal education planning of an activity for children activities for working in a team time for reflection security norms and internal rules of the centre first aid managing crisis situations 30 volunteers, 2 trainers

6 Action  “A Different Kind of School” week (7th-13th April)  Edenland Adventure Park – 30th May principle of active methodology first draft of the schedule flexibility small different groups

7 Trip to Sinaia & Predeal 28 th of February 2014 Trip to Sinaia & Predeal 28 th of February 2014 (non-residential)  Structure # Carefully select the locations for each moment of the trip # Establish in advance the roles for the adults involved in organization and coordination of the trip; informing the parents appropriately # Ensuring appropriate transportation to the location - minibus # Inquire about safety of the fun park and existence of specialized supervising staff # Ensure healthy meals for children in a restaurant with appropriate hygienic standards

8  Competencies # specialized training carried out in advance, with Chance for Life experienced staff # specially designed content of the training program, referring to various aspects, such as: children’s specificities according to age in general and each personality in particular, emergency measures, how to deal with unpredictable situation

9  Action # Visit the Peles Castle and learn about its history and surroundings # Fun Park “Trei Brazi” # Exchange books and also March Tokens (Martisoare), according to Romanian tradition, made by the children for the local organizers # Planning and organizing in advance the educational content of the trip in terms of draft of program with specific activities # Ensuring also backup plan in case of unpredictable events, such as changes of weather, changes of moods or rhythm of children or other situations # Planning in advance opening and closing moments, asking for feedback from participants in the end

10 Closing of the trip 15 children, 2 coordinators, 20 volunteers

11 Forget about the TV, let’s go out and play! 14th june 2014 Chance for Life - Public event

12 Structure # Carefully select the location for the public event and obtain in advance all necessary permits for performing a public event # Ensuring safety for the educational activities and also hygienic normsCompetencies # specialized training, taking into account the particularities of the event (dealing with children of various ages and physical conditions, and also with their parents), procedure for the parents, providing medical assistanceAction # Planning and organizing in advance the educational content of the public event in terms of draft of program with specific activities # Ensuring also backup plan in case of unpredictable events, such as changes of weather, changes of moods or rhythm of children, condition of the children, age groups or other situations # Planning in advance opening and closing moments, asking for feedback from participants in the end

13 Public event 200 children, 100 parents/grandparents, 3 coordinators, 12 volunteers

14 Chance for Life camp to Sibiu Chance for Life camp to Sibiu (residential)  To be implemented (30th June – 4th July 2014)

15 Structure # Carefully select the location – Hostel in Sibiu - and arrange the rooms # Ensuring safety for the educational activities and also hygienic norms # Sending collaboration proposals towards the surrounding institutions (The Zoo, The Village Museum etc) # Preparing for the journey: necessary number of cars, stops during the journey # Meeting with the parents, signing the agreement / the contract # Meeting with the children: presenting the camp regulationsCompetencies # specialized training and meetings with the volunteers/monitors # procedure for the parentsAction # Planning and organizing in advance the educational content of the camp in terms of draft of program with specific activities # Ensuring also backup plan in case of unpredictable events, such as changes of weather, changes of moods or rhythm of children, condition of the children, age groups or other situations # Planning in advance opening and closing moments, asking for feedback from participants in the end






21 Valorization  public events: ONGFest, the biggest fair for NGOs (9th-11th May)  meetings with different institutions (schools, the Triumph Olympic Sports Club, Edenland, other educational centres) and various people (volunteers, monitors, coordinators, beneficiaries), in order to discuss about the standards elaborated so far.

22 Different materials used:

23 Quality Chart valorization  Elaborated and distributed a questionnaire for evaluating parents’, volunteers’, organizers’ and employees’ opinion about the elaborated standards during Ed.Ho.C project  Elaborated and distributed a brochure in local language containing the quality chart for Educational Holiday Centres  Target Group Parents (of Chance for Life beneficiaries, in parcs) Teachers (partners schools) Volunteers Staff of educational holiday centres (camps, Vodafone Sulina Scholarship) Educators, Monitors (Chance for Life, Edenland, etc)


25 Methods:  Public events  Press releases  Participating to fairs, Meetings with parents, other key actors

26 Results of the questionnaire:

27 60 respondents

28 Structure

29 Structure

30 Structure

31 Competences

32 Action

33 Action


35 RESULTS SO FAR  Acknowledging the importance of the standards elaborated in the Quality Chart and working with them  Elaborating a complex training program in order to build the right competencies for the staff involved in educational holiday centers  Elaborating and distributing a brochure in local language containing the quality chart for Educational Holiday Centres  Building partnerships with many local organizations, institutions

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