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Orientation Workshop on Product Development & Management Functions Workshop 1: Introduction to the Orientation Workshops March 29, 2007 The DSA Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation Workshop on Product Development & Management Functions Workshop 1: Introduction to the Orientation Workshops March 29, 2007 The DSA Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation Workshop on Product Development & Management Functions Workshop 1: Introduction to the Orientation Workshops March 29, 2007 The DSA Project is implemented by Harvard University and funded by Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI), the Netherlands Minister of Cooperation, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

2 2 Agenda I.What are the Orientation Workshops and what do we want to achieve? II.DSA IT Strategy & Schedule III.Operational Framework IV.Discussion

3 3 Orientation Workshop Objectives Target Audience –MOFED staff that will be directly responsible for the product management and development of IBEX Objectives –To provide a comprehensive overview the major components of IBEX Product Development and Management in order to provide MOFED with a starting point from which to develop its expertise in the management of the system. –An interactive discussion of topics. Schedule –Please see handout

4 4 Revenue What is the DSA IBEX Security & User Directory Budget Data Warehouse User Interface Reporting Web Distribution Internationalization Technical Platform Auditing Functional Modules AccountsDisbursements DebtHRPayroll Migration Tools StandaloneIBEX CORE MODULES NON-CORE MODULES

5 5 BIS/BDA IBEX Track 1 Track 2 BIS/BDA IBEX DSA IT Strategy BIS/BDA Operational at BoFED and Zones IBEX and BIS/BDA coexist BIS/BDA where no connectivity exists ICT Capacity No ICTLimited ICTNationwide ICT available IBEX (online & standalone) IBEX is the standard A standalone version will operate where no connectivity exists

6 6 Development Schedule Disbursements Module –Testing is underway, expected to be completed by end of April Financial Statements – Testing is underway, expected to be completed by end of April

7 7

8 8 Operational Framework Product Management and Development can be defined by Key Process Areas –Support Service Commitment Management Service Delivery Planning Service Request & Incident Management Service Tracking & Oversight –Development Requirements Management Software Project Planning Software Project Tracking & Oversight Quality Assurance Software Configuration Management

9 9 Key Process Areas Examples Service Commitment Management –The main purpose of Service Commitment Management is to ensure that the service commitments between service provider and customer, and hence the actual services delivered, are based on the IT service needs of the customer. Service Request and Incident Management –The main purpose of the key process area Service Request and Incident Management is to identify, record, track, analyze, and resolve service requests and incidents that occur during service delivery. Both service requests and incidents are events that – if not resolved – eventually will cause the IT service provider to break its service commitments. Service Delivery Planning –The key process area Service Delivery Planning has as its main purpose to plan the delivery of services specified in the service commitments. The service delivery planning includes the planning of service delivery activities and other service-related activities; estimation of resources needed, expected workload, effort and costs; the service delivery schedule; identification of risks, and plans for service facilities and support tools. In addition, planning data needs to be recorded so that it can be used for the planning of future services.

10 10 Operational Framework KEY PROCESS AREAS clearly defined operational functions that are composed of policies, strategies, procedures and outputs Policies – define an organizational objective –E.g. “A group will be created with clear responsibility for service request and incident management activities for all implementations of DSA Project developed FIS and customers.” Strategy – define how the objective will be met –E.g. roles, entry criteria, activities, training, tools Procedures – define detailed processes on how to execute strategic objectives –E.g. “Call center staff should fill out an ITSR form. These go into the Open ITSR Bin. We will use ITSR forms to track all requests, so even if you can solve the problem over the phone, you should still fill one out.” Outputs – deliverables from this key process area –E.g. Monthly support status report with outstanding issues.

11 Thank you

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