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200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100 Scientific Inquiry Obs. vs. Inferences Scientific Vocab Scientific ?’s Forensic.

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Presentation on theme: "200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100 Scientific Inquiry Obs. vs. Inferences Scientific Vocab Scientific ?’s Forensic."— Presentation transcript:

1 200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100 Scientific Inquiry Obs. vs. Inferences Scientific Vocab Scientific ?’s Forensic Technique s

2 The process of science involves testing ideas about the natural world with data from the natural world. Provide an example from the past couple of weeks!

3 Acceptable answer?

4 The process of science involves observation, exploration, discovery, testing, communication, and application. Provide an example from the past couple of weeks!

5 Acceptable answer?

6 Scientists try to come up with many different natural explanations (i.e., multiple hypotheses) for the patterns they observe. Provide an example from the past couple of weeks!

7 Acceptable answer?

8 Scientists test their ideas using multiple lines of evidence. Provide an example from the past couple of weeks!

9 Acceptable answer?

10 Test results sometimes cause scientists to revise their hypotheses. Provide an example from the past couple of weeks!

11 Acceptable answer?

12 My kitten is 2 months old.

13 Quantitative observation

14 My kitten can jump 4 feet off the ground

15 Quantitative observation

16 My kitten has long, soft, fur.

17 Qualitative observation

18 I think my kitten is scared of going to the vet.

19 Inference!

20 I think my kitten likes to jump on the counter just because I don’t want it to go there.

21 Inference!

22 What is a hypothesis?

23 A hypothesis is an educated guess based on what you already know.

24 What is an observation?

25 An observation is something you notice with your 5 senses.

26 What is evidence?

27 Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid

28 What is an inference?

29 An inference is what you think based on evidence and reasoning

30 What is forensics? or... What is paleontology?

31 Applying the scientific process to solve a crime or... A part of science that studies fossils

32 Which is the better scientific question? Why? 1. What color is the sky? OR 2. Why does the sky look blue?

33 “Why does the sky look blue?” is TESTABLE, a better scientific question.

34 Which is the better scientific question? Why? 1. How does exercise affect our heart rate? OR 2. Do you like to exercise?

35 “How does exercise affect our heart rate?” is a better scientific question because it is testable!

36 Which is the better scientific question? Why? Which plant food looks better? or Which plant food grows garden peas faster?

37 “Which plant food grows garden peas faster?” is better because it is testable!

38 Which is the better scientific question? Why? Which disc golf disc is cooler? or Which disc golf disc will fly farther when thrown at 100 km/h?

39 “ Which disc golf disc will fly farther when thrown at 100 km/h?” is a better scientific question because it is testable!

40 Which is the better scientific question? Why? Which house paint will last longer? or Which house paint will remain uncracked in 80 degree dry weather for the next 10 years?

41 “ Which house paint will remain uncracked in 80 degree dry weather for the next 10 years?” is more scientific because it is testable!

42 How does chromatography work?

43 Chromatography separates a mixture by passing it in solution through a medium in which the components move at different rates.

44 How does finger print identification work?

45 Finger prints are classified as arches, loops, or whorls, and then matched up with other sets of prints.

46 Name 3 techniques available now that were NOT available to forensic scientists 200 years ago.

47 DNA testing Fingerprint databases lie detectors...

48 How does flame testing work?

49 Different substances will burn at different rates and show different colors when put in a flame.

50 How is a footprint like a fingerprint?

51 Footprints can be matched based on their size, tread pattern, and wear patterns (example- the heels of all of my left shoes wear down very fast)

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