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Presentation on theme: "MATT DILLON TODD HERRICKS PATRICK KEYS ALLIE LYMAN Chlamydia Crew 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Parts of Our Plan Introduction Goals Objectives Resources (human and material) Constraints Methods/activities Marketing/Communication plan Evaluation plan Timetable Budget

3 ONE Program –Options @ No Expense Contraceptives Medical Services Education within area schools and community groups

4 Identifiable Problems 58% of students aren’t using condoms every time they have sex 40% of students haven’t ever been tested 38% of guys don’t want to get tested, while 27% of girls don’t want to get tested Reasons for not getting tested  10% of people don’t know where to get tested  3% of people are too embarrassed  22% “other” reasons Reasons for not using a condom  11% say they never have one in supply  6% say condoms are too expensive

5 Goal Reduce the number of STI cases on the WSU Campus.

6 Impact Objectives By May 1 st, 2011:  80% of the members of 3 different groups, organizations, clubs, or sports teams on the Winona State University Campus will get tested at SEMCAC Family Planning Clinic’s free STI testing period during the spring semester.  The current 64% of WSU students that already know of SEMCAC Family Planning Clinic’s free STI testing will be increased to 80%.  The 58% of WSU students that currently think all they need to do to get tested for Chlamydia is pee in a cup, will be increased by 17%, to a total of 75%.

7 Impact Objectives Continued By May 1, 2011:  38% of students on WSU campus have already been tested within the last year and this will increase to 50%.  7% of WSU students get tested after a partner change, our program will increase this number by 20%, to a total of 27% of WSU students who get tested after a switch in sexual partners.

8 People Power Materials Sponsored by SEMCAC Key Informant: Chrissy Feine 2 Students currently in practicum 5 WSU Health Advocates On campus organizations  UPAC  Sports Teams  Student Senate Condoms Lubricant Key Chains Stress Balls T-Shirts Marti Gras Beads Fliers Resources

9 Constraints Lack of participation among targeted groups Lack of follow through to go and get tested  Testing at other locations  Stigmas/Embarrassment Lack of Advertising Reach and Effectiveness

10 Methods Informal Lecture Promotional Activities Promotional Presentations Newspaper articles Radio advertisements Posters Chalking Sidewalks Facebook Groups/Events

11 Activities Condom Bingo Girls Night Out Mugshots Gazebo Giveaways Targeted Screening Nights Free Screening Week

12 Condom BINGO Who:  Target Audience: Residents of WSU  Group Responsible: 2 Practicum Students, Hall Director What: Play BINGO with cards containing STI related words instead of numbers When: January Where: Lourdes Hall Expected Outcome: The number of students that know how, where and how often they should be getting tested will. Provide them with condoms and lubricant

13 Girls Night Out Who:  Target Audience: Female WSU students  Group Responsible: 2 practicum students, 5 health advocates What: A night where girls gather condom/sex tips, be exposed to different kinds of condoms, receive STI facts When: End of January Where: Dining Rooms in Kyrzsco Expected Outcome: Get girls comfortable talking about sex and getting tested, provide condoms and lubricant

14 Mugshots Who:  Target Audience: Residents of WSU  Group Responsible: 2 practicum students, Mugshot coordinator, students in Mugshots class What: A coffeehouse-type setting where live entertainment is provided. Sets may include parodies, a standup comedian, a vagina monologue When: April Where: Lourdes Cafeteria Expected Outcome: Get students talking about sex and STI together to break down stigmas and relieve embarrassment

15 Gazebo Giveaways Who:  Target Audience: Students walking through campus  Responsible Group: 2 Practicum students, 5 Health Advocates What: “Goodie Bags” given away containing condoms, lube, flier, chap stick, key chains, beads, not pads, and pens When: March 2 nd and 3 rd Where: Middle of campus in the Gazebo Expected Outcome: The number of students excited about receiving gift bags and receiving information about spring break safety tips and upcoming free screening week will increase.

16 Targeted Screening Nights Who:  Target Audience: Specific Clubs or Sports Team  Group Responsible: 2 practicum students, SEMCAC staff What: Screening parties where members of the target organization can enjoy pizza, a movie, fun STI trivia facts, and get free STI screening. When: End of March Where: SEMCAC Office Expected Outcome: Students comfort level with getting testing and being in a medical environment where testing takes place will be increased.

17 Free Screening Week Who:  Target Audience: WSU Students  Group Responsible: 2 practicum students and SEMCAC What: Screening will be free to WSU students during this week. Information about condoms and safety tips will also be provided during each appointment When: March 21-25 Where: SEMCAC Office Expected Outcome: The amount of students that come to the office to get tested during this week will increase compared to last semester.

18 Communication/Marketing Plan Facebook groups/events Flier handouts Posters RA Publicizing Extra Credit Opportunities Spread Catchy Slogans  Come and Don’t Get It  Be Positive About Your Negative

19 Evaluation Plan Condom Bingo-  2 practicum students  Measure how many people show up/how many condoms are given away Girls Night Out –  Gathered by SEMCAC to 2 practicum students –  Measure by number of girls who attend and number of those girls who go get tested  Method: opinion/reaction survey Mugshots  2 practicum students  Measure by number of people who attend Gazebo Giveaway  2 practicum students  Supplies given away compared to time

20 Timetable ActivityTime Period Girls Night OutEnd of January Condom BingoJanuary Spring Break GiveawayMarch 2 nd and 3 rd Free ScreeningMarch 21 through 25 Targeted ScreeningEnd of March MugshotsApril

21 Budget Items:Quantity:Price:Total Price: 1. Available Resources Goody Bags: Condoms: 576 Sensations 1000/pk1$75.00 Glowing Pleasures 500/pk2$95.00$190.00 Pleasure Plus 500/pk1$60.00 Pleasure Dome 1000/pk1$75.00 Classic Select 1000/pk1$69.00 Color Sensations 1000/pk1$75.00 Chapstick1000$0.00 Semcac Pens1000$0.00 Assorted G-rated condom Keepers 50/bag4$57.50$230.00 Assorted Refill Condoms 1000/case1$85.00 Wear Your Rubbers Beads 36/pk7$37.80$264.60 2. Fixed Expenses Staff Fees and Staff Time16$8.25$132.00 3. Flexible Expenses Mugshots Jimmy Stress Toys30$3.00$90.00 Assorted G-Rated Condom Keepers 50/Bag1$57.50 Total Flexible Expenses$147.50 Total Fixed Expenses$132.00 TOTAL EXPENSES$1,403.10

22 Questions


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