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The Communication Process. What is Communication? Message Words, body language and symbols that convey ideas Feedback Words, body language and symbols.

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Presentation on theme: "The Communication Process. What is Communication? Message Words, body language and symbols that convey ideas Feedback Words, body language and symbols."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Communication Process

2 What is Communication? Message Words, body language and symbols that convey ideas Feedback Words, body language and symbols that respond to the sender’s message Sender Transmits message Receiver Intercepts and interprets message Transmits feedback

3 Interpersonal communication  One-to-one communication or one- to-many communication Intrapersonal communication  Communication that involves talking with or thinking to yourself

4 Communication Problems Message Feedback Sender Receiver I’m too smart for this! Communication Barrier- Any obstacle that gets in the way of effective communication

5 Five Types of Barriers Attitudinal “I really don’t like what we’re talking about here!” Social “This person is not one of my friends!” Cultural “This person’s heritage is not like mine!” Educational “I’m far too smart to listen to this stuff” Environmenta l “I’m too hot in this room to think!” “There are too many other people talking to listen!”

6 Good Communication… Takes Work! TTTThe Sender –n–n–n–needs to THINK before he speaks –A–A–A–ARTICULATE his words –W–W–W–WATCH the receiver of your words TTTThe Receiver ––A––ASK questions to the sender ––L––LEARN more about the issues to gain knowledge ––R––RELATE to the background and experiences of those speaking

7 Symbols  Symbols are one form of non-verbal communication  Hand gestures –Thumbs up –‘V’ sign/ peace Turn to page 9 In groups of two, read the story ‘What Symbols Can Say’ and answer the questions.

8 To Be A Good Speaker  Care about your audience! –Is this material appropriate? –How would I feel if I were asked that question? –Am I giving my audience enough new information? –Is my information too difficult or too easy? –It is important to analyze an audience BEFORE speaking to ensure successful speech delivery

9 Appealing to Your Audience  Logical Appeal- sequence and analysis of a topic  Emotional Appeal- family, patriotism, justice or likes “strike a chord”  Ethical Appeal- natural honesty and sense of right and wrong

10 Stereotypes  Placing somebody in a category because of their appearance or because of a preconceived idea –What are some examples of stereotypes? –African Americans are fast runners –Blondes aren’t smart –Larger people are lazy –Nobody likes Lawyers

11 Right and Wrong  Speaker Responsibility  Having a Conscience  Accountability for your actions  What does it mean to be a responsible person?


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